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September 20, 2012 (about a month later)
Thursday 5:58 PM

(Y/N) smiled as Hinata spiked the ball into the ground. She quickly wrote it down, Kageyama and Hinata's quick's success rate was now 90%. They both cheered as it smacked the floor, amazed, (Y/N) was left speechless.

Everyone was improving so quick, the synchronized attack was actually in sync and Yamaguchi's serves were getting better.

"Practice is over, everyone! You've worked hard!" Coach Ukai exclaimed. Everyone began to pack up and go, all except Kageyama and Hinata.

"One more!" Hinata shouted, as Kageyama tossed the ball to him. (Y/N) sighed at the energetic first years.

"Clean up!" Daichi shouted at the two, making them jump. Ashai and Sugawara let out a laugh and (Y/N) began picking up the volleyballs scattered around the gym. Eventually she finished and got changed.

Walking back to the gym, she shivered, maybe she should've brought a hoodie. She stood outside and began rubbing her arms. It was so warm in the morning too, she sighed staring at the ground.

Hearing footsteps she glanced up and her eyes met with Tsukishima. Noticing she was shivering he let out a sigh. He pulled his volleyball jacket out of his bag and threw it at the girl.

"Won't you be cold?" (Y/N) asked, making the blond shake his head.

"I'm still hot from practice." Tsukishima replied. (Y/N) nodded her head and slipped the jacket on. Tsukishima smiled at her, the jacket like the shirt was too big for her. It completely covered her hands.

"T-Thanks, Tsukki." she mumbled. Truth be told, after Tsukishima had grabbed her hand on the bus, things have been different. She'd get all nervous around him and her heart would go crazy. Taking in a deep breath, she caught Tsukishima's scent on the jacket.

It was stronger than ever, I'm being creepy. Tsukishima glanced over at her multiple times, he couldn't get over how his jacket fit her.

"W-what?" she asked, confused why he kept looking over at her and smiling.

"Nothing." Tsukishima replied.

"You just look cute."

September 27, 2012 (a week later)
Thursday 12:04 PM

(Y/N) glanced around at the classrooms confused, which one was Tsukishima's classroom again? She held the present in one hand and the jacket in the other.

Today was Tsukishima's birthday and (Y/N) wanted to give him his present.

"(L/N)-san, what are you doing here?" Kageyama asked, staring at the second year. (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you know which class Tsukishima is in?" (Y/N) replied, Kageyama nodded his head and pointed at classroom 1-4.

"Thanks Kageyama!" (Y/N) exclaimed, Kageyama nodded his head and continued to make his way to the vending machines. (Y/N) stood across from the door, she didn't know what to do, she didn't have the courage to knock on it.

Suddenly the door slid open making (Y/N) jump, surprised. The tall blond stared at his friend confused. Her heart began to race as she made eye contact with him.

"Here, your jacket." she said, handing it back to him. He nodded, then spotted the wrapped up box in her other hand.

"Whats that?" Tsukishima asked, curiously.

"O-oh, happy birthday, T-Tsukki." she mumbled, nervously, holding out the present. His eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Thank you." he said, he gently grabbed the present from her hands. His fingertips brushing against hers. She quickly looked around for the other first year.

"Where's Yamaguchi?" she asked, she didn't want to just talk to Tsukishima alone. Not when she felt so nervous.

"He's not here, he has a fever." Tsukishima replied, making (Y/N)'s eyes widen. Of course Yamaguchi wasn't here.

"Uh, okay, uh, I'll see you l-later?" (Y/N) stammered out, quickly she began walking away from her friend. Tsukishima stared at her confused as she hurried away from him, what was wrong? He stood there frozen.

Did I just get ditched on my birthday?

"Happy birthday, Tsukishima!" Hinata exclaimed as he noticed the blond standing there. Hinata spotted the colorful box in his arms.

"Woah! Who's the present from?" he asked curiously.

"You're too loud."

September 27, 2012
Thursday 6:17 PM

Still holding the present, Tsukishima walked out of the club room followed by his teammates. He had been interrogated by his teammates about the present. One they found out, they teased him and asked when they'd get married.

They spotted (Y/N) who stood there wearing a comfy hoodie this time around. Nishinoya rushed up to her and whispered something in her ear. Hearing his request, (Y/N)'s faced turned bright red.

"What did you tell her?" Hinata asked curiously. Nishinoya shrugged in response smiling at the blond. (Y/N) took her place next to Tsukishima and they walked towards the entrance, splitting up.

Kageyama, Hinata walked along with them. They had been bickering about nothing, normally it'd make (Y/N) laugh but today she was too preoccupied with her thoughts. Tsukishima stared at the girl confused.

"Bye, Tsukishima! Have a nice birthday!" Hinata yelled as they parted ways. Now it was only Tsukishima walking (Y/N) to the bus stop. Silence took over, and Tsukishima noticed how distracted she was.

"What the hell did he tell you?" Tsukishima asked. (Y/N) looked over at him surprised and her face flushed.

"N-Nothing, it doesn't matter." she replied.

"Really? Seems like its making you very flustered." Tsukishima retorted.

"Just tell me, (Y/N)." Tsukishima muttered.

"Nishinoya told me to k-kiss you for your birthday." (Y/N) stammered, her cheeks flaring up. Tsukishima's stopped walking and his face turned beet red, (Y/N) stared at the ground not wanting to meet Tsukishima's eyes.

"You were considering it?" he asked, his heart wanted to jump out of his chest. (Y/N) kicked the rock that was on the ground.

"It's your birthday." she mumbled, making Tsukishima blush even harder.

"That doesn't mean you have to." Tsukishima exclaimed. (Y/N) nodded her head, looking over at her friend.

"Did you want o-one?" she asked, she noticed his face turn red. She leaned over and gave him a small peck on the cheek.

"Happy birthday, Tsukki."


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