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Jungkook laid on the guest room bed quietly, after his break down in front of the older, listening to the raindrops against the window. He thinks about his life, about Taehyung, and about Jimin.

He didn't know what the older is to him. He can't even call him a friend and here he's lying in the same roof as him.

His mind went to when he kissed him which confused him more. Does Jimin have feelings for him or he was just messing around?

He breathed out in the quiet room and turn to his side. He stays like that for a while when he heard a sound coming from downstairs, he listened closely to the sound.

It wasn't Jimin, because he didn't hear his room door open. If it's not Jimin then who?

When he finally gets it, that may be a thief break-in, he slowly gets up and went downstairs. He walked quietly and grabbed the nearest thing to him which happened to be an old book . . . well, it won't do much but it'll help him anyway. Better be ready for anything than not and die.

The sound was coming from the kitchen, he took a breath before jumping on the person, making both of them fall in the ground with him sitting on top of the guy then he raises the book to hit him.

"J-jungkook wait! Stop!" He already did and stare at him with confused eyes when he saw him.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was hungry." He shrugged.


"Jungkook?" He hummed in reply. "Can you get off me?"

His cheeks redden from embarrassment, before rolling himself from above him and plopped down beside him in the kitchen floor.

They stayed like that lying in the cold kitchen floor, looking at the ceiling. It was silent apart from the rain outside. Jungkook hates how it wasn't awkward that he still felt comfortable beside him.

"Jungkook, " He called the younger.


"Were you really going to hit me with a book?" He turned towards the younger. "For real, that's the stupidest thing ever."

He gasped. Did he just indirectly called me stupid?

"Well, at least I didn't break into other people house cause I'm hungry." Jungkook mocked him, watching as his eyebrow raised in amusement. But hey he isn't done yet.

"And I didn't break with my boyfriend without any fucking reason. Now who the stupid one, huh."

Jungkook glared at him as he sat there in silence before letting out a breath.

"Listen I was going to tell you but you get out before I could."

Jungkook let out a dry chuckle. "So now it's on me? "

"That not what I mean, " Taehyung frowned before shrugging. "But yeah, yes it's on you."

"You bastard!" Jungkook hissed sitting up, even though he was right if he stays maybe he knows why.

Taehyung sighed then closed his eyes rubbing his temple.

"Jungkook listen. I love someone else. I didn't mean to hurt you like this, but both of us know this relationship was just a waste of our time. I'm not saying I don't have a good time with you Kookie, cause I did. But we were just waiting for each other to say we are done from the other. I love you, I really love you but not like before, not like a boyfriend."

He grabbed Jungkook's cheeks making him look at his eyes.

"I know you hate me right now-"

"I don't hate you."

"Let me finish . . . Anyway please know I can't be in a relationship like this one. For fucking hell Jungkook every time we see each other we start fighting and then make up the next day-"

"You start the fight!" Jungkook mumbled.

"Well yeah," He nodded agreeing with him. "It's not healthy for me or you. I'm sorry about everything I did, I don't mean to hurt you. For me, I love you and would like us to be friends."

They sat in silence looking at each other in the darkroom. Jungkook didn't know if he should forgive him and be a 'friend' with him. Everything Taehyung had said was just the truth that he doesn't want to face. He even remembers saying he will end it if it went too far. So why now he is sad and hurt about it?!

"Oh and Jungkook, I don't break into someone else house that stupid." He huffed. Jungkook eyed him weirdly.

"Then what do you think you were doing? Taehyung are you drunk this is Jimin house!"

"Well, I have the keys. Does that count as breaking in?" Taehyung asked confused his hands behind his head staring up.

"Stupid," Jungkook muttered under his breath and copy him. "What are we even looking up at?"

"I don't know." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "nothing actually."

The room returned to its silence as the two boys stay like that. Both of their mind filled with things. The rain had stopped a while ago. There was no sound heard only them breathing. Jungkook liked it, he love how it was quiet, how he can feel the cold floor in his back, how he felt comfortable in the ground. His eyes closed slowly as he gets sleepy. It was gonna be the best sleep he will get in weeks but then a loud shriek made his eyes snapped back open.

"The fuck you fuckers doing in my kitchen fucking ground!"


Thoughts 👀

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