Wait what?

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We pulled up to what I guess is supposed to be the safe house. I was furious that they didn't figure out Caleb was a snake in the grass. My mind was going the whole ride. We have all the kids with us. That's just perfect for Damien....leverage. He instructed his boys to take the girls and kids upstairs and split them up. He saw Janelle holding Miyah's hand very tight and smirked.
D: except her...I've been wanting her
He was pointing at Amiyah. Tears was rolling down my face.
K: Damien you don't need her. You got me. Don't bring her into all this *I grabbed his arm and tried to make him look at me but he back handed me into the living room table.*
D: take these two downstairs


A: mom wake up please *her voice trembling. I open my eyes to see where in a basement. It comes back to me what happened. I tried to reach for Amiyah but I was chained to something. My vision starts to blur.*
K: everything is going to be okay baby. We gonna get out of this
D: oh you're so sure? You think your little boyfriend is going to save you again? Bitch I own you. You have my seed inside of you *he gives a devilish smirk then looks at Amiyah* and you sweetheart you're my newest prized possession. I been wanting my hands on you *he walks up to her touching her*
K: leave her alone Damien. She's just a kid
D: oh I know but now she's mine. You ever wonder what happened to your mom Amiyah?
A: you took her
D: nooo not this fat bitch wanna be but your real mom *she looks up at him confused.* in due time. We're just getting acquainted. *he chuckles and goes back upstairs*
K: Amiyah don't let him get in your head baby. That's what he wants to do.
A: I wanna go home
K: we are baby. We are. *I close my eyes and start praying. God I know you hear me. It's not supposed to end like this. These folks aren't supposed to win*

Jamal POV
We're at the airport. Damien is gone. He killed everyone at his own trap house. I know he's after Kam. Kevin and Micheal are at the desk getting information. Caleb went to the restroom. I've been calling Mel and no one is picking up.
J: Something isn't right. He cleared his own trap so we wouldn't find anyone to even get information
M: he has to have the girls no ones answer and I got a confirmation that their flight landed
K: who all know about the plan?
J: just us
M: y'all noticed how easily we made it to the trap house?
K: what do you mean?
J: like he knew where he was going
K:....did you give him directions?
We stared that the restroom door. He hasn't came out yet.
M: what is he doing shitting bricks?
K: so what's the plan?
J: he got us this far..might as well take it all the way. He knows where he is
K: when the time comes....can I?
M: if I don't do it first. My wife and kids are with that bitch because of him
J: who's supposed to be with them?
K: umm
J: you mean to tell me we sent them off with no protection?
K:What the fuck man! He was supposed to make sure of that.
M: We've been carrying around a snake. My family is in jeopardy because of a snake.
J: So you know what we do to snakes...

Kameron POV
It's been hours and I've been having pains like crazy. I think that fall knocked me into labor.
A: mama you okay
K: yea.....I'll be fine. I just want you to promise me something
A: ma'am?
K: I want you to always look after your father and Janelle, you hear me?
A: yes ma'am
K: I want y'all to be close. Nothing is more important than family.
A: yes ma'am but you're going to be there.. right?
The door swung open and the silhouette of a female appeared. She walked over to me*
?: you know you one hard bitch to kill, right? I've been trying for years and this time I'ma see it through *she smiled and went over to Amiyah*
?: you look just like your no good daddy
A: what do you want
?: oh baby girl I'm here to take back what's mine....you
K: Maya?
M: oh you remember me?
K: what are you doing?
M: I'm just seeing to it that it's known who runs shit around here
K: now you wanna run something. Where were you when she needed a mother?
A: mom?
M: don't try to turn this..Jamal kept her from me
K: you was on drugs!
M: that's when I met Damien. He cleaned me up and gave me a life. Then you popped up and all that changed. He went from "all about me" to all about getting YOU! I tried killing you off but you had some angels somewhere. But not today
K: so you gonna kill me and his child? You not even worried about your own child!
M: I was going to get her and bring her with me but you replaced me
K: because she needed a mother not a delusional drug addict
*she pulls out a gun and points it at me*
M: one more word out of you
K: kill me if you want to and that'll be your ass. I'm carrying his seed. A bullet wouldn't be too far from your head
M: how when I'm pregnant with his baby too?
K: ..but you still come in second
She runs at Kameron and starts pistol whipping her. Next thing we hear is a gun go off. Everything freezes. Damien picks up Maya and knocks her into the wall.
D: get yo dumb ass up. You hurt my son, that's your ass bitch. I won't think twice about feeding you to my dogs.
M: but I'm pregnant with your baby too Damien *tears running down her face*
D: if it's mine hoe
M: I was supposed to be your one and only! I was supposed to have your child. We was supposed to take everything Jamal had together! You got this bitch and forgot about me! I was supposed to be your queen!
D: no Maya I didn't..I spared you after you slept with Caleb. I had other shit to do than to worry about you. You gave me everything I needed to take down Jamal. And now I have trophies to show for it. I should've killed you when I found out you was trying kill her first before I could get to her. But no I didn't because I knew there was something far too precious I could take from you and you led me straight to it. You gonna learn to keep your mouth and legs closed. That's what fucks you up in the long run.
A: so when Kam got shot up at the store...that was you?
M: Amiy-
A: nah answer me because I was almost with her. What if I was.. would you have did the same thing?
M: Am-
A: you so worried about somebody else but not your own daughter. All these years you could've reached out but instead you tried taking the one person I needed! It was hell without her. I finally had a mother and you took her!
M: Ami-
D: well well well I see you have a little voice huh *he walks up to Amiyah* I like a little fire. Say something else. Show me what you go *Amiyah turns her head away from Damien*
A: I have nothing to say to you
D: don't be scared? What is it that you want? I can give you anything
A: let me go
D: *he chuckles* you should know better now. You're mine now. I have to take care of what's mine.
A: *under her breath* you doing some job with Kam then
D: what did you say? *his eyes go dark*
K: *says breathlessly* she's just a child D. Leave her alone
D: she's going to learn how to talk to me *he unties her and tries to fondle with her*

Damien falls to the floor. Amiyah runs to me. Maya has the gun in her hands pointed at Damien.
M: look what you made me do *she drops the gun and caress his face and starts crying* baby I'm sorry. I'm sorry. She made me do it. *Amiyah starts untying me while maya was getting hysterical*
K: you had to protect your daughter Maya. No telling what he would've done *she picks up the gun and points it at me*
M: He was my everything..now I have nothing to loose. He won't stop me from finally killing your ass. *gunshots rang off*


Hey babies I'm back! I missed this part of my life and I shut it out due to family issues and personal life but I'm officially back. What do you think? Isn't it crazy how Maya been there the whole time? (Refer back to the first book 😉) Where is Jamal, Tae and Micheal? What did they do to Caleb? How do you kill a snake? Is Damien dead this time? Will Amiyah be okay? What about the wives and kids upstairs? Are they okay? Where is Janelle? Is she okay? Will these questions be answered? You tell me. Comment and like for me. Tell me what's on your mind! Thank you all for the unmatched support. I haven't updated in almost two years and y'all have still commented and liked my books. That truly means a lot to me. This is just the beginning. Stay tuned 💛 -E

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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