love hurts

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A/N:long overdue update, I know but life happened and writers block is real af.I'll do better though.Excuse mistakes and Enjoy💕

It's been a few days since Devon and I started dating and things were really good between us. I literally spent every night at his house since then and he'd drop me off at campus and pick me up. We were in our own happy bubble and I loved it. But me being me I had to get back to reality cos I didn't  want it to seem we were living together and move too fast. Besides I missed my besty so I needed to spend time with her.

I had classes in half an hour though, so I needed to get my ass out of this room. After putting my hair into a low bun I quickly put on my outfit which consisted of a blue denim skirt and a white fitted crop top with my fairy slides.
I grabbed my book bag and phone before rushing to my class.

3 hours later
I sat on a bench with my face in my phone as I waited on Cammy. Her classes started earlier and ended later then mine so I was waiting on her to comeout.
I felt someone burning a whole through my face before I looked up and saw Chris walking towards me.
Chris was one of those guys at school who was hot but just never rubbed me like that. I didn't care to hate him but I just didn't like how he used his looks to play girls and get away with it just cos he's hot.
"Hey, Violet right?"
I internally rolled my eyes before giving him a fake smile.
"Yeah. Chris right?"
I asked in the same tone trying to match his energy.
He let out a low laugh before licking his lips and looking backup at me.
"Yeah. I been seeing u around campus, you cute."
"Thanks. I'm not interested though." I got up putting my backpack on my shoulder while internally cursing at Cammy for being so slow.
"I don't bite though, why u in a rush.A nigga is just tryna know u."
"Look I'm not one of these girls you go around playing okay so just save your time and look for another target."
With that being said I saw Cammerine walking towards me and I couldn't have been more excited to see her.

"Bihh it's about time."
I said literally grabbing her hand to walk away. She looked back seeing Chris and I guess she put the pieces together when she stopped to look at him.
"She ain't interested butter head, backoff." He just shook his head at her before walking away.
I couldn't hold in my laugh as we walked away, she was too much.
"You're crazy, you know that right."
"I know." she said flipping her jet black, long hair over her shoulder.

Back at the hostel Cammy and I were just catching up while watching our favorite shows. We haven't hangout in a while so I was really excited to be spending time with her.
"You hungry?"
She asked with a pout while putting her feet up on the couch.
"Yeah, you wanna go out or just order in?"
"Lets go out, I don't get to see much of you these days anyway"
I couldn't even defend myself, she was right. "I'm sorry besfren, I'll make it up to you."
"mhm, I'm glad you're happy though. That makes up for it."
"And that's why I love u..."
I smooshed her face and gave her a smooch on the cheek before she swatted my hands away and we broke into a fit of laughter.
"Aight, cmon we gotta get ready."
She said heading towards the room.
"Soo i have a suggestion..."
I said walking behind her into the room.
"So I was thinking since you literally forced me to go out with you last time and that's when I met Devon, I should help you find some dark chocolate man today."
She squinted her eyes at me as she gave me a crazy look.
"Honestly, I wouldn't be mad if you do."
"Aight, that's my mission for tonight..."
"That's why you're my besfren..."
She said before heading for the shower.

As if on schedule my phone rang and I grabbed it already having an idea who was calling.
Devons deep and husky voice came through.
"Yeah babe , you miss me already."
He let out a low laugh before answering. "Yeah I do, I'm just checking on you though. What you doing?"
"Going to dinner with Cammy, I'm just about to get ready."
"And you weren't gonna invite your man huh?"
"It's a girls night babe, I been neglecting her cos of you. What you up to though?"
"I'm just messing with you babe, think I'll just call Jamal over for games and call it a night,since you ain't wanna involve me in your plans."
"Babe stop messing with me, I gotta go get ready though. I'll talk to u later okay."
"Aight, have fun."

Hanging up I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

We settled on going to this new boujee restaurant Dine just cos we wanted to be spontaneous for the night.
It was actually pretty huge and like I said boujee as hell .
We sat in a table in the corner before the waiter brought us our menus.
"I'll be back in a minute to get your orders." She said with a smile before walking off.
I busted into laughter once I scanned the menu and looked at Cammy whose eyes were wide as she scanned through it.
"Bitch, we gonna be broke once we live this place."
The prices were honestly insane and I wasn't even sure why.
"I know besfren, but I'm way too hungry so let's just eat here. I gotta go to the bathroom real quick though."
I said standing up to scan for the bathroom.
"Aight, I'll be looking for whatever doesn't cost a diamond worth."
I smiled at her before walking towards the bathroom passing multiple tables in the process.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see someone familiar at a table opposite our side.
I slyly looked over my shoulder to try and see properly before I stopped in my tracks.
I couldn't believe my eyes rn. I hadn't drank either so I know I'm not seeing things.
It was Devon and the girl who showed up at his apartment the other time, his ex-Kira.
They seemed to be deep in conversation as I just stood there looking at them tears burning my eyes.
On instinct Devon looked my way before he stopped talking and locked eyes with me.
I wiped the tear that was threatening to fall before I rushed towards the bathroom.

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