A change of plans

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"Cleveland? I thought we were going to Florida... You must have missed a stop" Ian spoke flustered, he and Mickey had been driving for four hours.

"What?" Mickey turned his head to look at Ian "Stop being a little bitch I'm not going to Disney World for our honeymoon". He turned to look back at the road and continued up route 71 to Cleveland.

Ian huffed "I told you, I had always wanted to go to Disney Land but Frank never took us. It would be a nice thing for us to do before we have kids" Ian paused to breathe "I want to see the world and do shit, Mickey."

Mickey turned to look at Ian who was pouting and looking out of the window. Grunting "Fine" Mickey brought his hand from the gear shift and brought it to Ians "but I need to show you something first" He took his hand away from Ians to control the car but knew he had won over Ian. There was no way he was going to Disney World.

Ian closed his eyes and thought of the life he's starting with Mickey. How many kids would they have? Five. How would they parent? Definitely different to Frank and Terry. They would take them around the world, they would be loving but forceful. They'd go to school and they'll get good jobs. Where would they all live? Ian would get another paramedic job and Mickey could teach boxing or something and they would make enough money to buy their own house. Ian had thought of it all. This is the life he had wanted his whole life. He had gone through so much to get here and he wasn't going to let go of it.

While keeping an eye on the road, Mickey glanced over at Ian who was smiling in his sleep. He couldn't help but love his stupid face, his smile. He knew that no matter where they went he wanted to be close to Ian. They could be in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and Ian's trying to eat him and he knew he would always love Ian. No matter what. Fucking hell. "I'm going to Disney World," Mickey thought to himself.

After driving for five hours straight, they arrived in Cleveland. Ian rolled his eyes and looked at Mickey "so what you want to show me is in Cleveland? What could we possibly see here?"

Mickey kept his eyes on the road as he turned a sharp left off the main road and into an abandoned lot.

Ian was even more confused than ever. Why would Mickey want to bring him to an empty lot?

Mickey pulled the car to a stop and turned off the engine. With a huge smile on his face, he turned to Ian. "So, You've been moaning like a little bitch about why I drove us five hours in the wrong direction. Well this is why"

Ian squinted "You wanted to show me an empty space in Cleveland? Are you going to murder me now is that the plan? Because you won't inherit anything you dumb fuck. I have nothing"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Mickey suddenly got defensive "I don't want to murder you" He shook his head and reached behind his chair and pulled out a bag. Ian shifted in his chair. He loved Mickey but he knew he couldn't trust him. Mickey opened the bag and showed it to Ian "See..." he paused "I've been saving up to buy this place"

Ian looked even more confused "Why would you want to buy an empty space?" He tried to look thankful for the gesture Mickey was giving but he couldn't understand why Mickey would want to buy this shithole.

"Well, I thought we could get some supplies and build a home. For us... and our kids" Mickey took the bag back from Ian and placed it back underneath his chair. "We're meeting with the owner tomorrow but I wanted you to see what I had planned first" He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and gave it to Ian.

Ian opened the paper and examined it. It had a drawing of a house plan. Looked like a child drew a blueprint. It had a spacious living room and a dining area attached to a kitchen. With a downstairs toilet, a garage and a split garden. The upstairs had six bedrooms and three bathrooms one adjoined to a bedroom. Each bedroom had a balcony.

Ian looked at Mickey, tears in his eyes. "You drew this?" Mickey nodded.

"I've been doing a few shifts at the alibi and Kevs keg gym to save all that up. I have a few money coming in from the guys at the prison and whatever but I want us to start a life, Ian. I want us to live together in a giant fuck-off house with a shit load of kids. I want a stupid dog that we can walk together and I want to sit at that table and do homework"

Ian shook his head "I love it... but why Cleveland?"

Almost like he had forgotten the main surprise, Mickey widened his eyes and nodded "There's a reason for that too" He took the paper off Ian and shoved it back in his pocket before rummaging through the glove compartment. "Ah!" He handed the paper to Ian before smirking "I've been offered a job".

Ian read the paper accepting Mickey into his new job "As a security guard?"

Mickey nodded, "well, yeah. I have experience and now I'll be getting paid for it and I can get my parole hours there too. It's in a mall around the corner but they want me to start next week. So I was thinking we rent a motel room and when I start earning cash we get the supplies to start building our home" Ian looked flustered, it was all too much to take in.

"You've really thought of it all... But what about my family? I can't just leave them" Ian softly spoke, as to not crush Mickey's dream.

"I get that, but while I work here you can always go and visit them or bring them here and we'll rent them a room for a few days. We can make it work Ian but we started a life together. You're my family now..." Mickey sighed.

"Okay," Ian nodded. "Let's do it" Ian was dubious about this plan and he knew that Mickey wouldn't last long in his new job but he loved him too much to crush him. Ian bit back his feelings and smiled "I love you".

Mickey's eyes glistened "I love you too asshole. Now let's go and get some food, I'm starving"

Ian nodded as Mickey started the car back up.

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