Chapter 26: Only When We Left Him Off His Leash

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The white oak ash tree grew taller than ever.

Stiles walked over and noticed a mystical figure bathed in light, air, fire, earth, and water standing in front of it. Standing next to him were Wi and Hanwi who beckoned him forward.

Stiles followed.

Getting a closer look at the main figure transforming between elements, he became aware of who he was.

O-let-te, the Coyote Man. The Great Creator.

He kneeled.

"It's an honor, sir," said Stiles.

"Please get up, Stiles Argent," said O-let-te. "You have proven yourself worthy as a warrior. Kalona has been defeated and once again imprisoned and shall be imprisoned for many centuries to come. As your reward, I grant you back the human life you are expected to have."

Stiles's mouth dropped. "You mean no more brain cancer? I'm healed?"

"No more cancer, Stiles Argent," said the Coyote Man.

Small footsteps padded next to the teenager as the hazel eyed lad drifted his focus to Derek Hale kneeling as well. Naked and virile, illicit thoughts stirred in his head of the Spirit Wolf which he quickly removed.

"Derek Hale! Your role as the aningan has been appreciated!" The Coyote man announced.

"Thank you, Great Creator," replied the Spirit Wolf.

"Your reward is to preserve the safety and sanctuary of the Aeiwa people," said the Great Creator. "The knowledge of your tribe's existence to the outside world will cease to be. No one shall remember what transpired."

"Wait!" Stiles protested. "If you make everyone forget, then I won't remember Derek or the tribe at all."

"It is better that the world be kept ignorant," said the Coyote Man. "Knowledge of our existence will only make the lives of humans more difficult. Removing your memories will allow you to live on without placing you in harm's way."

"But I don't want to forget!" Stiles turned to Derek. "I want to remember! Derek, please. I love you!"

His admittance brought tears to his eyes.

Derek held the young man's face. "It's better this way. I'm immortal. I can't bear to watch you die while I live on. You're to live your life as normal away from the knowledge of the supernatural world. Healthy and happy. You and Danny were meant to be."

"No...please...Derek..." Stiles begged. The pain in the teenager's eyes affected the Spirit Wolf greatly but he knew what was best for the teenager. "I can't forget you!"

The aningan leaned in close to whisper his ear and he held him. "I love you, Stiles. I didn't believe that I could find it again after Kate died. You made that happened. Stiles always remember this. The longer I live...that won't stop me from loving you."


His mouth crushed his as the young man felt his body descending.

"Stiles! Wake up, buddy!"

Dr. Deaton stood in front of him as he lifted his head off the hospital bed. Surrounding him were his parents, sister, and Danny.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"You fell asleep during the CT scan," replied the physician. "I guess the results were too much for you. Great news! The cancer is gone. Your test show that the radiation treatment worked, and the cancer cells have been eliminated. It's like you make a miraculous recovery."

Victoria and Sheriff Argent hugged their son tight.

"Isn't that great?" Victoria asked excitedly. "You're healed!"

"Yeah..." Stiles feigned a smile. "Where's Dr. Hale?" He realized that his memories of what happened were not removed by the deities.

"Who's Dr. Hale?" Dr. Deaton asked.

"He was helping with the treatments," Stiles replied.

"I guess memory loss was part of the symptoms of the cancer treatment," the physician diagnosed. "Stiles, I've been treating you all along. There's no Dr. Hale. In fact, there's no Dr. Hale that even works in this hospital."

No Dr. Hale. Reality had changed like an episode of the Twilight Zone. Or DC Comics' Flashpoint.

Stiles frowned. "Whoops! My bad!"

Danny startled him with a kiss. Surprise by his lips on him, Stiles still not respond.

"Stiles? Something wrong?" Danny inquired disappointed. "You seem not yourself."

Stiles lied. "No. No. It's I'm just not myself today. I was wondering, Danny, if you could do me a favor?"

"Sure anything," offered his boyfriend.

"Could you drive me some place?" He requested. "There's somewhere I need to check out."

Danny's truck parked right in front of the big lake where the hidden trail near the half-moon rock existed. Getting out of the vehicle, Stiles glanced around seeing the land undisturbed. No sign of any cabins, trailers, or housing structures existed here as a saddened brown-haired teen folded his arms.

"It's a beautiful spot, Stiles," noted Danny. "Great for camping or fishing. What did you want come here?"

"I was curious," said Stiles. "Danny, is Mr. Harris still our history teacher?"

"Man, that brain tumor must have affected your memory cells," commented the Hawaiian teen. "There is no teacher named Mr. Harris. We have a substitute all year long who grades on a curve. Since you're the highest person who receives a B grade in the class, it become an A which trickles down to the rest of us struggling in the subject."

Stiles inhaled a breath sadly. "I guess I should really think about my future."

"Our future," corrected Danny.

Pulling the teen close, he connected his mouth to his sarcastic cohort, influencing Stiles to submit to his touch.

Stiles finally understood where his heart and his home should be.

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