What if Manami owed Karma?

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Not a lemon! Srry

Manami's POV:

I was walking down the mountain cause school was over. I see a few people in the distance but couldn't make out who they were. As i got closer i realized who they were. My second year bullies.

I used to get bullied alot because of my love for chemistry.

I walked straight trying to avoid eye contact.

"Hey!" One of them yelled.

I turned around to face them only to be shoved on the ground. They started kicking me everywhere. I felt tears run down my face because of the horrible words they were saying and because of the pain. I heard a loud thud and they stopped. I opened my teary eyes and saw one of them nocked on the ground. I looked up to find Karma standing there with bloodlust in his eyes. He beat them all up one by one as i got up from the ground. He came up to me and handed me my bag.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a worried look. I nodded and took the bag out of his hands.

"I'll walk you home" He said.


I can't really be surprised why he got so mad at them. He does like me afterall. Rio and Karma hang out often so he told her that he has a huge crush on me. Rio told me and here we are. I still can't help but feel like i have to do something for him. But what? I thought carefully as we both walked towards my house.

Karma's phone ringed and he picked up.

"Yea Rio?.........WHAT? OH MY GOD SEND ME!" He then hung up and did something on his phone.

"Um...Karma?" I got confused.

"Rio and Kayano took Nagisa shopping and dressed him in a maid's outfit. I'm gonna blackmail him" He said as devil horns and tail popped out.

"Maid? MAID THAT'S IT" I thought to myself. I'll
act like a maid for him the whole day tomorrow. I mean...he likes me....he likes it when he has power....why wouldn't he like it?

We arrived infront of my house and we waved our goodbye.

Next day~

I opened the classroom door to see no one but Karma. His book was open on his face as he was sleeping. I had already bought him strawberry milk and knew what to do. I placed the milk on his desk and he took the book off his face.

"Hmmm?" He looked at the strawberry milk and then me.

"Good morning, how are you feeling today?" I asked and then gave him a warm smile.

"Fine, except the fact that my neck and shoulders hurt soo much like always" He sighed and took the strawberrymilk.

Author's POV:

Karma felt soft hands between his neck and shoulders. He looked behind him only to find a happily smiling Manami.

"You said your neck and shoulders are in pain? Let me massage them for you master" She said and then started to massage him carefully.

"Master?" Karma thought as he sipped his drink. "Is this her way of a thanks? To be a maid? Or is she just being nice and i heard it wrong....let's find out"

He finished his drink and put it on the table. Manami stopped the massaging and went to throw it away. Karma was amazed.

"She really is doing this" he thought.

Manami came back and massaged him again. Karma loosed up cause he now knew what was going on. The door opened and Koro-sensei walked in and looked shocked at what he saw. It isn't everyday you see a junior high girl massaging a junior high boy.

"Good morning sir!" Manami greeted him like nothing was going on and continued massaging Karma.

"Good morning....Karma what is going on?" Koro-sensei asked.

"Oh, i just have back pains and Okuda was kind enough to massage me" He aswered and made a smug face.

"Okay..." He then went to his desk and sat down on his chair.

Soon Manami went back to her seat and after some time the whole class was already there, ready to start the lesson.

Fast forward to lunch~

"Okuda" Karma tapped her shoulder and she turned around.

"Yes, master?" She asked but luckly only he heard it.

"Let's go eat lunch in the chemistry room"

"Yes, master" She then stood up and followed him to the chemistry room.

They got there and opened their lunches. Karma had takoyaki, noodles and a few strawberries.

"Aaaaa" He had his mouth open signaling Manami to feed him.

"Yes, master" She then started to feed him as he was blushing slightly. Being called master soo many times was really getting to his hormones.

Manami then giggled.

"Hmm?" Karma gave her a questioning look.

"This has been fun, you're a great friend Karma!" She giggled even more. Karma stood up and went up behind her. Manami could feel his hot breath on her neck as he moved to her ear.

"That's great to hear but....i'd like to be your boyfriend more than your bestfriend" He wispered.

Manami blushed the exact same colour as his hair. She looked down and twiddled with her fingers.

"I-i wouldn't mind" She then gave a quick peck on Karma's cheek and ran away, leaving him a blushing mess.


Hope you liked it!

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