Chapter 14

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Love you all! It's crazy we were actually so close to 400 votes for an update! Thanks for those extra votes!
This chapter was supposed to be longer but then I ran out of time haha. Online school started and I thought it would be a breeze but it's actually a lot more work then regular school because teachers have to make sure we're paying attention to the videos and stuff. It's a bunch of mindless google forms and check ins.

I thought updates might come closer in this odd quarantine but workload is about the same so I guess once a week it is. Please enjoy!!

I woke up a pounding headache. Yet another thing I regret from all the drinking last night. I groaned and when I rolled over, I hit my head. Right, I was on Jackson's floor. The sunlight was streaming through the windows already. At latest, it was probably 8am. I also realized that someone put a Thomas the Train blanket on me sometime while I was sleeping. My guess was Jackson did it, since it was previously on his bed.

I stood up and looked at the bed. Jackson wasn't on it and his bed was made, but poorly, like he did it himself. The clock read 7:25am. I heard noises downstairs, so I quickly brushed my teeth and did my hair.

When I got downstairs, I saw Jackson on the couch watching Paw Patrol, looking very happy, as if he forgot the events this early morning. Stella was in her crib next to the wall. Erica was in their vast kitchen, making what looked and smelled like eggs, pancakes and bacon. She wasn't wearing any makeup, unlike yesterday, though she still looked gorgeous. Erica toned down the whole "celebrity" thing and was just wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants, instead of stylish designer wear. Zoe was sitting at the island, face red and blotchy from crying last night. It seemed like she was still crying a little bit. But seated next to her was an older woman, rubbing circles on Zoe's back. She looked around fifty or sixty years old with light, graying blonde hair and a concerned look on her face. In fact, she looked like an older version of Zoe.

When Zoe noticed me, she looked up and gave me a weak smile.

"Good morning, Ben," she said.

"Good morning," I nodded back.

"Look, thanks again for being with Jackson last night. It means a lot to both of us." Zoe looked utterly exhausted.

I shook my head, "There's no need to thank me. Any time." Zoe gave me a grateful smile.

The woman next to Zoe turned around and introduced herself, "Hi Ben. My name is Linda. I'm Zoe's mom. I've heard great things about you!" She was very sweet and hugged me, "So you went to Smithin's with Zoe? That's very cool!"

I almost forgot our own families don't know the identity of us and how we spent our high school/middle school days.

I smiled, "Yes I did. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too," she beamed, "Although it's unfortunate you came the night this whole thing happened. But thank you for being there for her and being so supportive. I came down here for Zoe too since I only live about a half an hour away."

"It's all okay, I'm happy we could be here to help in any way we can." I said.

"Well aren't you sweet!" Linda smiled at me.

"Ben, breakfast?" Erica called from the kitchen.

"That would be great, thanks," I said as I sat down on the other side of Zoe on the island. Erica slid a plate over to me. It had eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and pancakes. I quickly dug in. It was amazing.

"Wow Erica! I didn't know you could cook!" I told her.

She chuckled, "I've always been able to cook." Of course she has. That does not surprise me.

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