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Boo's dreams are troubled that night

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Boo's dreams are troubled that night. Blackened figures with terrible smiles and glowing eyes chase her relentlessly through an endless forest. Her ears are lit up with the sound of shrill screaming behind her as the beasts get closer, pounding along the forest floor on all fours like some horrifying demon. Branches catch on her clothes, ripping the fabric and scratching her skin. Her heart is close to completely bursting from exertion as she's startled awake in the early morning hours, drenched in sweat and gasping for air. Harry snores alongside her, completely oblivious to her night terrors. By the time Boo is able to convince herself to sleep again, the darkness enveloping the room has lightened to a navy blue.

Later in the morning Boo emerges from Harry's bedroom, sleep-riddled and rubbing her tired eyes, and finds him intensely watching the news. As Boo settles beside him on the couch, the warmth of her thigh pressed flush against his, she sees Lena Whyte and Garret Fordham seated in front of a still photo of the fire from the night before.

" . . . several citizens have raised concerns of a serial arsonist within Jack Creek, although at the moment there is little evidence to suggest that last night's events are connected to the fire at Center Street Church several weeks ago. While police have confirmed that last night's fire was likely set intentionally, similarly to the fire at the church, there is not much else currently linking the two blazes. Anyone with any information regarding last evening's fire is encouraged to call the Jack Creek Police Department or pay a visit to the station."

Lena polishes off her speech with an award-winning smile and the segment changes to something a bit more light-hearted.

"They're stupid to think the church fire isn't connected to last night's," Boo mutters, a bit jaded. Harry slings an arm around her shoulders and presses a quick kiss to her temple as her words are swallowed by an exaggerated yawn. "Do you have any coffee?"

He rises swiftly to oblige her. She scoots closer to the middle of the couch, relishing in the warm spot he leaves behind. "Do you think Calum could be a serial arsonist?" he asks from the kitchen, eyeing her as he prepares the coffeemaker.

Boo shrugs. "Suppose, he's unstable as hell. I don't know enough about psychology to assume anything though."

Harry opens his mouth before going curiously quiet. Boo waits for a few weighted moments, hoping he'll divulge what's on his mind, before she sighs reluctantly. "Okay, what's on your mind?"

"I have kind of a crazy idea," he says hesitantly.

Her interest piqued, Boo sits up on the couch. "Go on then, share with the class."

The sound of coffee brewing and dripping into a pot provides a mundane edge to the unnerving sense of urgency beginning to encircle them. Boo's heart thrums with apprehension as Harry licks his lips. "Calum goes to the VA clinic, yes?"

Boo nods in earnest. "Yeah, we knew that already. That's where Nathaniel got the aconite."

Harry chews fretfully on the inside of his cheek. "Well . . . if Calum is a patient there, he's got to have a file, right?"

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