Chapter 7

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Harry walked into the light of the sun and blinked his eyes to get used to glare again. When the spots were gone, he looked around for Johns, wondering why the man had called for him in the first place. He couldn't think of any reason why the blond had anything to say to him.

It pissed him off a little at being interrupted so much though, first by Fry and now Johns. It was like someone or more likely fate, didn't want him talking to Riddick. He would have to deal with it for now but nothing was going to stop him later.

Sighing, Harry looked around and spotted Jack and the other boys watching him, he gave them a smile and waved his hand. Watching them smile and wave back Harry couldn't help his eyes falling on Jack.

Looking at him, Harry didn't know what to make of the boy. There was still something strange about him that Harry hadn't worked out yet but the way he was talking in there had concerned him. He knew that kids liked to look up to someone but to easily say that they could kill was another matter entirely. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Johns coming towards him.

"Where'd you run off to, Harry?" Johns asked, stopping beside Harry and looking down at the shorter man.

"I was just looking in the ship for anything useful, Johns. Couldn't find anything though, hopefully there's something at the settlement that will be of some help to us." Harry explained though it did piss him off that he had to explain himself at all. (Is that the only reason he called me out here?) Harry thought angrily. Instead of being inside with Riddick, he was stuck out here in the glaring sun with a man that smelled like a hospital.

Seeing Johns eyes move over his body, he decided to have some fun with the man as payback for hurting his Riddick.

"You shouldn't worry so much about little old me." Harry purred as he gave him a seductive smile. "There's no need. I can take care of myself, very well..."

As he purred the last word he could smell the waves of lust pouring off Johns sky rocket and looking down slightly, he could see that Johns' pants had begun to tent in the front. Knowing that the man had gotten hard made Harry laugh inside, it took everything he had not to let it out. Johns was so easy to play with.

"I bet you can." Johns smirked at him, blue eyes not leaving that sexy body.

Hearing storming feet coming from the ship Harry knew it was time to go. Fry would head to Johns first with what she had learned from Riddick, though he didn't know what she planned to do with that information.

"See you later Johns." Harry purred before he turned and walked towards Imam and his boys, a sway in his hips to further tease Johns.

Coming to a stop beside the others, he turned to watch the action, he knew it was going to be good from the look on Fry's face as she stormed out of the ship.

Fry made her way directly towards Johns where Harry had left him with a 'little problem.'

But Johns soon forgot that when he heard Fry start speaking.

"We're heading back to the hole. Riddick denied killing Zeke and when I asked about where he was, he said something about looking deeper." Fry said to them all, before she asked. "Can one of you grab some rope or line that we can use as well as a flashlight?"

Paris nodded before doing as she asked, Imam said something to the oldest, Suleiman, and the lad ran off, mostly likely for the rope she wanted.

Harry couldn't help feeling something bad was going to happen and he didn't like it.

As she moved closer to Johns, Harry didn't catch whatever she said to him but whatever it was got rid of Johns problem all together. Johns stormed away from her, rubbing his head in frustration.

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