Chapter 15

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Harry jogged at the back of the group while his eyes followed the shadows of the hammer-headed creatures that dared to move around the edges of the light before hissing and backing away in pain for being too close. Them being so close by put him right on edge, he still felt the fear from before when he was down that hole and had been nearly killed by them. It had been a long time since something had scared him so much and those creatures terrified him. It also didn't help that he could feel their emotions as well their hunger. If it hadn't been for Riddick feeding him, he would have drained half of the group dry because of the bloodlust.

He never wanted to feel terror like that again or be so weak against a threat.

Taking a deep calming breath, he forced his fear to the back of his mind once more and focused on something else. His magic and how it was acting strangely came to mind. It had never been so wild and unreliable before, not even when he was learning his vampire and elf powers, which he found to be a bit lacking as well. He had better control as a child than he did now and it was starting to scare him. 'I wish I had time to go to my library to research what is happening to me. If I had my magic acting normal, my mate and the others would be hell of a lot safer and already off this hellhole planet.' Harry thought as he ran his eyes over the group. His gaze fell on Fry who was walking beside Johns. 'Well not all of them are worth saving.'

Both were on borrowed time and he was looking forward to seeing them in pain for the grief they had caused him and his mate. Feeling his eyes glow and fangs wanting to burst forth, he quickly turned away from them. Now wasn't the time for his vampire side to come out in a blood rage. They would be able to play soon enough, he just had to wait.

Instead, he turned looked at the children of the group. They stuck close to the sled with the neon lights wrap tightly around them and looked around fearfully. The scent of fear was also heavy around them and every time a creature screeched their fear spiked but he was proud they weren't letting it slow them down or causing them to panic and doing something rash.

Hearing a quiet hiss from behind him, Harry was quick to turn and raised his light to ward the creature off. It screeched and darted away from the burning pain. He wished he could use his vampire sight but there was so much light around and he didn't feel like being blinded at the moment. Plus he got the feeling that he would have to use it soon enough. He could smell the fear growing as they made their way further away from the crashed ship and that meant anything could happen.

"Stay close" Fry called out to the group. She turned to look at them to make sure they did as she ordered, with tensions high she didn't want her leadership to be questioned now not when she needed to be seen as important and protected. She wasn't going to die here. Spotting movement from the back she saw Harry's head snap to the shadows on their left and knew he'd seen something she couldn't and it made her very nervous about what was waiting there.

She may hate that freak and had a very dark wish for him to drop dead but for now, he was more useful alive.


They all cringed and picked up their pace. As she turned to face forward once more, she realized that the sound had come from where Harry had been looking. She rudely admitted out here in the darkness he was needed. But at some point, his usefulness wouldn't be needed anymore. She knew that things were going too well for them and sooner or later something was going to happen and the back of the group was going to be the most dangerous place to be.

Her eyes fell on Riddick's back, the small light he had on for them to follow making it easier for her to see those strong muscles move as he jogged, the tight black tank top outlining them so perfectly that her breath caught in the back of her throat at the sight. The man was pure sex on legs and no matter what Johns said or claimed about him leaving them, she knew in her heart that Riddick would get them to the safety of the skiff and off this shithole of a planet. Maybe once they were on the skiff he would want something more pleasing to take up the long hours of waiting for help to come. She shivered in pleasure at the thought.

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