Chapter 4 - Godzilla's Leadership

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Godzilla decided to leave Mosura alone to rest, while he looked for the 'bird'.

He stood up, slowly making his way over to the cave mouth, trying not to make loud stomps with his paws and wake up the sleeping Mosura. Now that he was out on the sand, Godzilla could finally stomp all he wanted, but that was not what he willed to do. It was time to look for the imposter bird and chase it away.

He walked over to Cherry Meadow, where Mosura claimed to have last seen it. Following the tiny, faint trail of pawsteps made by the fleeing kitten, he made it to the beautiful garden. Godzilla looked around for it, constantly checking to see if it was flying overhead.

"Lookin' for me, ah?" A familiar voice drew his attention immediately. He turned around to see a red furry tom-cat perched on a mountain, his red rough-textured wings were genetically attached to his front legs. This was a cat he hadn't seen in a while, and while he was an old friend, he was a bit annoying.


"Nice island you've got, Amigo," he commented, with a slight hint of mockery. "Amigo...?" Godzilla sighed, "I'm not going to ask. What are you doing here, Rodan? You were scaring little Mosura back there!"

"Oh, so you've got a daughter now?" The so-called Rodan looked curious, completely avoiding his question. He turned over and lay on his back, smiling slyly at Godzilla. The big wolf scoffed, trying to cover his embarrassment, "Daughter? No, I'm just taking care of her, she has no biological parents..."

"Sad," Rodan shrugged, "But, well... you've taken her in, so that basically means that she's your daughter. Well, adopted is the proper word."

Godzilla opened his mouth to argue, but he just huffed. Part of him knew that Rodan was right. "You still haven't answered my question, Rodan. What are you doing here?" He questioned, provokingly changing the subject. "Ah," The thin cat answered, "I saw you swimming here with the kitten on your back. I figured I'd stop by one day."

"That's nice of you, Rodie," Godzilla sighed, "but you didn't have to introduce yourself to Mosura the intimidating way."

"Swoop over her head, you mean?" Rodan rolled over on his belly again, then started to groom his chest-fur, "Wasn't tryna scare the kit, mate."

"Wasn't trying to scare the kit?" Godzilla repeated sternly, flattening his ears in irritation, spitting out each word in fury. "Rodan, she said that you were chasing her!"

"Oh, that." Rodan rolled his eyes, "Just wanted to see where she was goin'."

He hung his head up and grunted. "I hate you."

"Love ya too, Amigo!" Rodan stood up and beat his wings, sending him up to the skies. For goodness' sake, Rodan, he bit back the will to yell at the annoying tom, but he just forced a grunt. What mattered now is that Mosura didn't need to worry about him anymore, and besides, sometimes Rodan really can be a good friend these days...


He arrived back at the cave to see Mosura curled up by herself in the same place where he had left her. "Hey, Mossy," Godzilla walked to the blue kitten and sat down, casting a dark shadow against her, "feeling alright?"

She said nothing but nodded, sitting up straight to face him. "He was just a friend of mine," he continued, "and he's pretty annoying."

Mosura giggled. "Want more cherries?" Godzilla offered, she smiled up at him gratefully and nodded.

"Alright, stay here."

He walked out of the large cave's mouth and headed back to Cherry Meadow. He knew he should've gotten cherries before he left the garden but, he didn't mind walking. It surprised him how much the kitten had in common with the original Mosura, they both loved cherries, they were curious and sometimes a bit gullible... Godzilla sighed, he still missed the golden cat. Mosura — the first Mosura — had been like a sister to him, her death just punctured huge holes in his heart. But he knew that the kitten he raised could help fill them up again, he didn't care how fast or how slow, Godzilla loved his adopted daughter so much that he would give his life for her.

There he arrived in the big garden, Godzilla pulled up a cherry tree which he felt grew the most cherries and walked back to the cave. Mosura was waiting eagerly at the entrance already for him. "Thank you, Goji, thank you!" She hopped around in circles as Godzilla set the cherry blossom tree down in the middle of the cave.

Mosura immediately began digging through the branches and nipping the little red fruits. Godzilla mindlessly watched the kitten at the edge in the far end of the cave. Cute, he thought, smiling faintly.

Just as he was about to close his eyes and sleep, he heard Mosura squeak, "Tell me a story, Goji!"

She was dragging her tree with her as she settled down in front of the weary wolf, thrusting it beside her. "A story, hm?" Gojira rose up and sat straight. "Alright."

Mosura's ears pricked and her wide smile showed an expression of excitement and eagerness.

"Hm, where to start?..."


The young Godzilla tumbled out of his den and fell in equal pace beside his father. "Dad! Dad!" He squealed, "Today is the day, isn't it?"

"Yup!" His father joyfully replied, "Happy birthday!"

They pressed their fur against each other as they walked, then the young pup asked, "Where are we going, dad?"

"It's a surprise," His father replied with a wink and a smirk. Godzilla looked at the tall warrior, puzzled. Then they reached a grassless cliff-side, the two wolves looked at each other, with Godzilla's father nodding to him encouragingly. The pup slowly padded forward while his father stayed behind. His eyes widened at the unexpected sight.

"Dad, why are all the titans here?..."

The plain below the cliff was teeming with kaiju, all known around the world! But Godzilla looked bewildered, uncertain... his father shortly fell in beside him. "Are you ready to be the very next king one day?"

"King?!" Godzilla whipped around to face the senior wolf. "Really?!"

His father nodded, with a calm and proud smile on his face. Godzilla looked at him thoughtfully. Then, the kaiju beneath the cliff began to surround the high grounds, kneeling before the two royal beings. Godzilla gasped quietly, awe-struck, and an emotional smile curved on his muzzle.

He was going to be king soon, and the young wolf promised to uphold his future duty and pass it on soon to the worthiest he could find.


"You're king?!" Mosura squeaked in surprise. Godzilla nodded slowly at her, then he lay his head on his paws. "Woah..." The blue kitten exhaled in awe, "I wonder what it feels like to be queen!"

"Hm. Queen, ah?" Godzilla tilted his head and smirked, Mosura nodded briskly.

"Hah! there is a whole lot to learn about being queen, Mossy."

"I'm willing to learn them all!" Mosura proclaimed eagerly, proudly holding her chin up high. "Alright, alright," Godzilla chuckled, slowly lying down, "in the morning. It's getting dark."

"Okay, Goji!" Mosura plucked the last little cherry in the pink tree and climbed up on Godzilla's side, flopping down on his comfy black fur. He smiled thoughtfully at her and whispered, "Goodnight, Mossy."

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