Chapter one

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Hey, enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment. If you are confused, you can ask questions and I will answer you. Bye.

*Lora's POV*

*Lora!!" My twin shouted but I ignored her.

"Lora!!" She tried again before running after me being me, I ignored her.

"Lora Isabella Thomas." She commanded with her hands on her hips which means she is serious or angry.

Geez, she is so scary when she is angry.

"Am sorry." I said defeated and I handed back the paper. Unfortunately, she ignored me, snatched the paper from me and went to our bedroom which is technically her bedroom, but as long as I can remember I have and will always share the bedroom with her.

But seriously, karma is a bitch. She just ignored me like that and went to our bedroom.

I went to knock in the door and waited for a reply.

"What you did wasn't funny." She said through the door.

"Am sorry." I repeated and she finally opened the door.

"You know you were not supposed to take it before our birthday." She said seriously.

"I know." I gave her my best puppy eye. Before I knew what was happening, she started laughing and I mean hard making me look at her as if she grew another head.

"I was not even angry with you." She said between her laughter and involuntary I joined.

What? Her laughter was very contagious.

"God, I always fall for that." I complained but the complaint disappeared when she hugged me.

"I love you, Chica." I don't know why but we always express our feelings for each other.

"I love you more." The moment that left my mouth, I knew I have started an argument.

"I love you much more." She smiled at me.

We could have argued about who loved who the most but I decided to let it go tonight.

"Fine, let's take a shower and go to bed."

Getting into the bathroom, the first place our glance went to was the full mirror, I knew it's sounds weird but I couldn't help checking out myself in the mirror. I just needed to find out something that differentiate me from Vera, it was so bad that sometimes even our parents mistake us for each other especially my dad who usually went crazy whenever a crime was committed and none of us were willing to emerge as the culprit.

We would rather get punished or have the blame together. I was still looking for the difference that is not there but then the worse happened, Vera got me staring, she was the shy and timid type that dislike being watched especially in her birthday suit.

But that was something she will have to get use to since I was her identical twin who never accept no for an answer, beside that, I have everything she had so what could she be hiding.

"Quit staring now, would you?" She asked crossing her hands against her well formed boobs.

"Well, well, well. I see that everyday so what is the extend of covering yourself, moreover, I have the same thing you have and I can easily check mine if there is anything to see." After my rant, I smiled when I saw her blushing. With that I knew what was to come next, WATER FIGHT.

We screamed and laughed at the top of our voices not caring if other people existed.

"Clara, what is going on with your girls?" I heard dad worried voice from downstairs as if he wasn't used to our rough playing habits.

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