Chapter three

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*Lora's POV*

"Lovera! Time for school." Mum shouted taking the blanket from us.

"If you don't get up, no food for a week." Of course that woke us up.

"We are up mum, don't make hasty decisions." Vera said rubbing her eyes.

"Wait, you said time for school, right?" I asked pointing at my mum and nodded but not before giving me the are you crazy look that i ignored and looked at Vera, pointing at her "But yesterday, you told me school is soon, is this soon?!." I exclaimed.

You don't, I mean, don't mess with my sleep without my permission. I have to be ready to wake up early.

"Girls, you have forty minutes to get ready for school." She informed us.

"What?!" Can you guess who shouted? Of course, nerd Vera.

She dragged me to the bathroom, we washed our bodies and dashed out of the bathroom.

"Good morning love." Vera pecked her on the head.

"Vera, we have no fucking time for shit like this." I spat annoyed.

What? I am angry because as you already know my sleep and most importantly because I am going to the hell hole without preparing for it.

*Vera's POV*
The moment Lora snapped at me, at that moment I knew she was angry and frustrated.

I went to our closets, I picked out a waist jeans with crop top and I finished it with my black boots. Lora picked out leggings with crop top and also finished it with boots.

After dressing, we rushed downstairs. We bid our parents goodbye and headed to the door but of course I don't want to deal with hungry and sleepless Lora, I grabbed apples for us.

We ran towards Lora black Ferrari. I also have a car but we like going to school together. I drove off to school.

Luckily, we got to school early. I made sure all the things I needed was in my bag while Lora is chewing her apple in anger. After confirming that everything I needed was in my bag, we got out of the car and of course everyone stared, I just dragged Lora to our first class.

Yes, we take the same classes.

Our first class was my favourite, cooking class. We got to class before the bell was rung. Let me give you a little information about our school, my school is a public school and that is what I can tell you.

Like I said, Lora don't interact but I do only to people who come to me and that is very rare.

"Good morning class." Mrs Parker, our teacher greeted.

"Good morning." Some of the students replied including me. I turned to Lora and I saw she was in her dreamland, not that she zoned out or anything, she is just asleep.

I didn't wake her up knowing we slept late last night and if I wake her up right now, she will behaves bitchy than usual.

" today, we are baking in pairs." I heard that part even though I was concentrated on Lora.

My happiness at that moment came crashing down when Mrs Parker opened her mouth. "Lora, how dare you sleep in my class?" She shouted making Lora wake up from her slumber.

Oh no, this is bad.

"Get the fuck off." She snapped "can't you see am tired and frustrated?" She asked no one in particular but Mrs Parker turned red.

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