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Everyone around her was dancing and laughing. They were actually happy. Or they seemed to be, anyway. Carla liked parties, but all she could think about was the need for it to stop. She couldn't go home, so she was silently praying for anything to magically end the night.

Her head rested on Yeray's shoulder, as she watched Samuel and Rebe, dancing, talking, kissing. The tightness in her chest latched its fist around her heart with a vicious squeeze, and she deserved it. So she kept watching.

Maybe her brain was trying to protect her, but she kept fixating on how he didn't look happy. If he were to move on, she wanted him to be happy. She didn't know Rebe well, but had nothing against the girl, and while Samuel had been oblivious to Rebe's jealous stares and longing looks, when he’d been with her, Carla had noticed them. She'd thought he felt nothing but friendship for Rebe. Apparently, she'd been wrong.

They were kissing again and she couldn't look away.

"All right, everyone," Lu said loudly, grabbing everyone's attention as she stood in the middle of the dance floor, "next up, switching partners!"

People groaned in annoyance, but Lu continued as though she didn't hear. "It'll be fun, stop being boring. Also it's mandatory, I'm afraid. Don't worry, switching's just for dancing." there was a round of laughter around the room.

"Now everyone, look to the couple next to you," she said walking over to Samuel, grabbing his arm, yanking him away from Rebe, and dragging him over to her and Yeray, "just like this, and Yeray, you go with Rebe,"

What the actual fuck, Lu?

When Yeray didn't move, Lu tugged on his arm, till he finally let go of Carla’s waist and slowly made his way over to Rebe. "Exactly! Understood, everyone? Great, have fun!"

She obviously didn't have to demonstrate anything.

Lu did it on purpose, she wanted to make sure Samuel ended up dancing with Carla. Her hunch was proven correct, when Lu leaned in as she was walking away and not so subtly whispered to both of them. "You're welcome."

She glanced at Samuel, who was already looking at her. He managed a weak smile, stepping forward and extending his hand. "We have to follow the rules, right?"

"Right." her skin prickled the second she accepted his hand. He put his palm on her waist, but didn't bring her closer. They were both trying to avoid each other's gaze, but it was inevitable. Like magnets, their eyes caught one another and held. She should've known that after that, their bodies always followed, they both unconsciously moved closer, his hand sliding around her waist, drawing her nearer as she willingly fell into his embrace.

"There's one main rule you didn't follow, though," he said, pointing his head at her dress.

"Suits aren't really my thing." she lied easily.

"They're not?" he asked, skeptical as ever.

"No, they're not."

"Yeray didn't dress up either."

"Well, dresses aren't his thing."

"Isn't that the whole point, though? To wear something that isn't your thing, out of your comfort zone?"

He was doing it again, he was pushing her. "Why do you care so much about the dress code, Samuel?"

"It's just, it seems like, it's something you'd be into. But instead you look like you wanna be anywhere but here."

Once upon a time, she would've enjoyed the party, would’ve even helped planning it.

She didn't bother lying to him. "Let's just finish the dance, Samuel."

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