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Y/N P.O.V.

My alarm clock went on. I turned it off, then got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. Then I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. While I was making my cereal, the TV was on. I listened to the reporter.

Reporter:"Today, the higher ups from the Royal Navi decided that they need more commanders for the war against the alliance of Ironblood and Sakura Empire. They will visit the this school *shows the picture of your school*. They will test the student's abilities if they are suitable to be a commander for the Royal Navi."

I was suprised that the Royal Navi needs commanders for their fight against Ironblood, but was more surpised that the Royal Navi will visit my school. I am curious which tests there will be. I ended my breakfast and prepared to leave my house. I grabbed my school bag, left my house and closed. After that I jumped on my bike and drove to my school. I parked my bike on the school car park. Then I went to my class. After I entered my class, I heard that the most male classmates were talking about the visit of the Royal Navi. I went to my place and prepared for lessons. The gong came on the second. Then the teacher entered. 

(Your class leader: Ms Mia Winters

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(Your class leader: Ms Mia Winters.)

Ms Winters:"Hello class. I am sure that you are excited about the visit of the Royal Navi. To your luck, you are the first class. They will test only five classes and you are one of them."

I could hear them clapping.

Ms Winters:"Ok, ok. Calm down. We will go now to the gym."

So we went to the gym. After we entered the gym, we were greeted by some men and women.

 After we entered the gym, we were greeted by some men and women

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(3rd Admiral John Miller)

(3rd Admiral John Miller)

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Azur Lane Hood X Male Betrayed Commander Reader X Admiral HipperWhere stories live. Discover now