Chapter 4 New members for Ironblood

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Y/N P.O.V.

Y/N:"What will you do now?" *asks his former fleet and the fleet members of Taylor*

Wales:"Where you go, we will follow your path. You have gained our loyality."

I smiled that they even would go through hell for me.

Y/N:"Then we should return to our base."

Hood:"Which base do you mean?" 

Y/N:"I mean the base of Ironblood. I can't return easily to the base of the Royal Navy. You remember?"

Belfast:"Yeah, we remembered it."

I sighed and prepared for our return. Before I could do this, someone grabbed on my arm. I turned to the person and saw that it was Hipper.

Hipper:"Your former fleet will be with us, won't they?"

Y/N:"You should ask them, not me. It's their decision if they want to stay with us or return to the Royal Navy."

Hood:"I don't wanna loose you again. So be prepared that I will follow you where ever you go."

I smiled at her answer. Then I saw to the others. I could tell that they already knew what I'm going to ask them. They nodded their head. 

Y/N:"Then let's go to Ironblood's base."


After we returned to our base, I immediately went with my former fleet and former fleet members of Taylor to the admirals of Ironblood. I also explained them the situation.

Emma:"I see. I know that is hard for us to accept the fact that some ship girls of the Royal Navy are in our base."

Erich:"But if you say, that they were your former fleet and you trust them, why shouldn't we do the same. What do you think?"

Paul:"It's a hard decision. I give them atleast a chance."

Lukas:"I do the same."


Emma:"Anyways, there are some people who want to talk with the admirals of Ironblood."


Then Emma pressed a button on the desk. After she did that, I could the admirals of the Royal Navy on the screen. Behind them there were also the commanders of the Royal Navy. The traitors were also present.

Isaac:"We wanna to discuss with you admira..." *interupts when he sees Y/N* "Commander L/N, what are doing at Ironblood's base?"

Y/N:"I'm not a Commander anymore. I am the 5th Ironbloods Admiral."

Jacob:"What happened to you? We all thought you died."

Y/N:"I was betrayed by some Commanders of the Royal Navy. The ship girls of Ironblood saved my live."

John:"Wait. You said that you were betrayed by our Commanders?"

Y/N:"This is correct."

Isaac:"Who betrayed you?"

Y/N:"Four Commanders betrayed me. It was Smith, Taylor, O'Connor and Anderson. Taylor is dead. Three traitors are still alive."

Jacob:*turns to the three* "Is this true?!"

Smith:"No, he lies. He did this on purpose. He is the real traitor."

John:"You can't lie to us. We already know that you betrayed him."

O'Connor:"How did you found out?"

Isaac:"Because former Commander L/N is the son of the 4th Admiral Wilson. We knew him very well. As the 4th Admiral of the Royal Navy swore his loyalty, so did the former Commander L/N."

Azur Lane Hood X Male Betrayed Commander Reader X Admiral HipperWhere stories live. Discover now