Chapter 3 The confrontation and the truth

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Author's note: I don't know how to call this chapter. I am sorry.

Time: After Y/N was betrayed by the commanders

Hood P.O.V.

I was waiting for my commander in our dorm. I could see that the others from our commander's fleet saw me that I waited for him impatient and also worried. Then we heard a knocking on the door. I got up and went to the door to open the door. After I opened the door, I saw Admiral Williams. I saw that he had a sad expression. I didn't like the expression. I really hope that our commander will come back. 

Isaac:"I'm sorry for saying this, but Commander L/N died when he encountered enemy forces."

After I heard that my loving commander died in a battle, I felt how the world shattered for me.

Isaac:"I am very sorry for your loss. But we need to continue our fight against our enemys. Don't worry, we will do everything what we can to avenge his death." *leaves*

I couldn't help but let tears out of my eyes. Then I felt that someone hugged me. I turned my head to the person who is hugging me. It was Belfast who tried to comfort me. 

Belfast:"We know you feel now, Hood. But the admiral is right, we need to continue the fight against our enemys. Take your time until you recovered a little bit." *says softly to comfort her*

Hood:*cries* "Thanks, Belfast."

Prince of Wales P.O.V.

We couldn't believe that our commander died. We all felt very helpless . But our commander taught us a very important lecture. We shouldn't give up even we have lost our comrades and friends in a combat. I tried to say something that could comfort Hood.

Wales:"Hood. Don't forget what our commander taught us. Even he died, he still lives in our hearts."

Hood:"I know, but it's hard for me to accept the fact that he died." *still cries*

Timeskip: seven weeks later

Hood P.O.V.

During the seven weeks, a lot of things happened. All of us were transferred to Commander Taylor. We learned that he is a brutal commander in the Royal Navy. Today, we will attack a base of Ironblood. We will have help from Commander Taylor's fleet.

Sam Taylor's fleet:

Sam Taylor's fleet:

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Azur Lane Hood X Male Betrayed Commander Reader X Admiral HipperWhere stories live. Discover now