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Today was the day

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Today was the day.

Steve's heart swelled at the thought of finally being married to the man he loved. To be able to call Brock his husband. To live in married bliss. Steve could just see it now. And he couldn't wait. It had been the only thing that Steve had been able to think about from the moment that Brock had popped the question.

If Steve was being really honest though, he had been anticipating this day from the moment he met Brock at that bar all those years ago. Thinking about the confident way that Brock approached him, and just how smoothly he knew just how to pick him up, brought a fond grin to Steve's face. Brock was everything that Steve wasn't, and perhaps that was what drew Steve in at first. All he knew now was that he was happily in love and couldn't wait to celebrate that love with everyone in his life.

"Eddie, please stop fidgeting," Steve's ever-patient father, Joe, pleaded as he attempted to pin the single white ranunculus boutonniere to the nine year old's new black suit.

"But it's itchy," Eddie complained as he pulled at the collar of his white starched shirt.

Rolling his eyes, Joe pushed down his exasperation as he quickly used Eddie's whining to his benefit and finally pinned the boutonniere. Standing up, Joe affectionately smiled down at the youngest Rogers' member and ruffled the kid's auburn hair, only for Eddie to complain about mom needing to fix it.

"Your tie's crooked," the oldest Rogers son, Cliff, said as he turned Steve to look at him.

Vibrating from his giddiness, Steve attempted to stand still while his brother straightened his slim black tie. However, Steve couldn't repress how truly happy he was even if he wanted to. Today was the day. The day where Steve would no longer be a Rogers, but a Rumlow. And he couldn't wait.

Playfully, Cliff harshly shook Steve as he reminded, "Calm down."

"I can't," Steve grinned, bouncing on the balls of his feet, only causing Cliff to fondly roll his eyes. Steve amended, "I don't want to."

"I know," Cliff smirked, looking over Steve to make sure that he was presentable. It was reminiscent of school dances where Cliff would do just this to make sure that Steve didn't make an even bigger fool of himself. After all, Steve didn't need any help in that department; his dance moves did that for him.

Before anything else could be said, a knock gained Steve's attention. Immediately, his gaze snapped to the opening door to find his best man, Natasha. Feigning caution, she peeked through her fingers and teased, "Everyone decent?"

"Duh," Eddie answered for them, earning a large smile from Natasha when she dropped her hand to shoot at Eddie with a perfectly manicured finger-gun. And since Eddie had known Natasha his whole life, he played along and pretended to cover a chest wound, effectively crushing the ranunculus boutonniere.

"Edison Joseph," Joe sighed exasperatedly, running his hand over his face.

"Sorry!" Eddie instantly apologized as he straightened out his suit jacket.

"It's okay," Joe reassured as he tried to help fix the boutonniere because he knew that Sarah would have a fit if she found out that the boutonniere that she carefully crafted was crushed over something so avoidable.

As Natasha crossed the room, she let out a low whistle. Evaluating Steve to the point that he blushed, Natasha complimented, "Damn Stevie, you sure make a woman wanna get married."

Rolling his eyes the way he always did when he was complimented, Steve blushed and looked over Natasha's one shoulder floor-length black dress. When she noticed, she paused and changed her stance, so the thigh-high slit was more noticeable, exposing her shapely leg. Posing as Steve returned the compliment, "You're lookin' pretty good yourself, Nattie."

In that endearing, cocky way that Natasha had, she flipped her red curls off her shoulder and casually agreed, "I know."

Letting Nat's calm-confidence soothe him, Steve got a better control of his excitement and eagerly questioned, "Is it time?"

"Why else would I come bother you?" Natasha quirked a brow while flattening the collar of Steve's black suit jacket. Cheerfully, Natasha confirmed, "It's time."

A large grin split across Steve's face and he pulled Natasha in for a hug. He couldn't believe that it was finally time for him to become Mr. Steve Rumlow.

Begin Again: Every New Beginnings Book 1 (Mortician!Steve and Baker!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now