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Once people started leaving the bowling alley, Steve couldn't help but watch as Tony seductively pushed Bucky up against the side of an ostentatious, red Audi R8. Surprised with how carefree and casual Tony was with his public displays of affection. Of course, Steve imagined that if he was in a relationship with Bucky, he also wouldn't mind indulging in such actions. Not that that was going to be happening any time soon -- or at all, now -- though. Nope, obviously, not.

When Tony started shamelessly making out with Bucky, however, Steve quickly averted his eyes and tried to keep the contents of his stomach where they were. Even though, his body wanted nothing more than to expel the bile all over the shiny sports car. As much as Steve's eyes wanted him to keep watching like a train wreck one couldn't look away from, his heart's begging eventually won out. Unable to handle just how much it hurt as he looked down at the asphalt instead.

"You okay?" Sam cautiously questioned, eyes full of concern as they walked side-by-side.

"Yup," Steve didn't even try to hide his lie.

Instead of calling him out for it, Sam clarified, "I swear I didn't know, Steve. Honest. If I did, I wouldn't have encouraged --"

"Hey, Steve," Carol called, running up to him and wrapping her arm around his slim waist. "Wanna have some fun?"

Draping his arm around her strong shoulders, Steve asked, "What do you have in mind?"

"SHIELD," Carol wiggled her eyebrows, earning a snort from Steve. Which was really the only laughter he was capable at the moment when it felt like his heart had been charred to a crisp inside his chest. "How about it?"

Already knowing he'd agree, Steve feigned thought. Sam, figuring out Steve's choice as well, rolled his eyes while Maria pleaded with her wife, "Baby, you know that's not what Steve needs."

"Shh," Carol lovingly shushed as she conceded, "It might not be what he needs, but it's certainly what he wants."

"How do you know what I want?" Steve scoffed, smirking down at the blonde.

"I'll tell you what you want," Carol giggled, "What you really, really want."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were still drunk," Maria affectionately teased while Sam complained, "Great. Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the night."

In reply, Carol childishly stuck her tongue out at her wife, and then Sam, before turning her attention back to Steve as she asked, "So, how about it?"

"I don't know," Steve mocked, still pretending to be thinking about it. Even going so far as to rub his beard and narrow his eyes.

Smirking, Carol elbowed Steve in his ribs, but played along, "Oh, c'mon, Stevie. We can go dancing. We can get those colorful, fruity drinks you like so much. You might even hit it off with someone and get laid."

Blushing, Steve blew a puff of air as he pretended to cave, "Oh, okay."

"Yay!" Carol happily cheered as she skipped forward to wrap her arms around Maria's curvy frame. "Stevie's coming out!"

"Coming out? He's been out," Maria joked, earning loud giggles from her wife.

"You know this is a bad idea, right?" Sam questioned, pausing by his Wagon, jingling his keys.

Steve paused too, glancing over at Bucky. Bucky was currently chuckling and playfully pushing Tony away. Not that that deterred Tony in the slightest as he smirked and nuzzled his face in Bucky's neck.

Steve wondered what it'd be like to feel Bucky pressed against him. What it'd feel like to trail kisses down the brunet's elegant neck. Wondering what kind of cologne Bucky wore on special occasions. Wondering what body wash's scent remained on his skin. The shampoo he used and how soft his hair felt. Wondering if he liked have fingers tangled in the long strands and --

"Tony!" Bucky stated, scandalized by whatever the shorter brunet was doing. Stomach dropping further, Steve closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

Opening his eyes, Steve directed them to Sam and conceded, "It won't be the first time I've done something stupid. I doubt it'll be the last."

Then, before he could change his mind, Steve turned to join Maria and Carol. Climbing into the backseat of their black Jeep Cherokee, and running his hand through his shaggy hair so he wouldn't accidentally glance over at Bucky and his fiancé. No matter how badly his mind urged him to do so anyway.

Trying not to think about the night that Bucky was going to be having with Tony, Steve attempted to get his mindset right. Focusing on the alternative 90s music that Carol turned up while Maria bobbed her head and drove towards the gay night club. Carol occasionally turning in the passenger seat to smile widely at Steve, encouraging him to, "Let loose, babe."

So, that's what Steve tried to do.

On the car ride, by wiggling in his seat to the beloved, Angry Chick Rock, and singing along to the lyrics that he knew. At the club, when strangers approached him and bought him those colorful fruity drinks that he really did enjoy most.

Even trying to stay loose when the music was too loud and too fast paced for Steve to properly keep up with. Sure, he wasn't the best dancer, but he still moved to the beat. Which seemed to be a good thing. Especially when a lithe, handsome brunet with his hair tied back in an attractive messy bun started grinding on Steve. Finding himself getting lost in the way the man moved and the way his stubble scratched along Steve's beard, reminding Steve of velcro.

It was everything that Steve wanted. Just with the wrong man.

Not that that was going to stop Steve. It probably should've, but Steve couldn't stop. Enjoying the way the liquor eventually stopped burning when it slid down his throat. Pleased with how his companion couldn't keep his eyes -- or his hands -- off of him. Surprised when his new friend asked him home. Even more surprised when he agreed.

"Sweetie, are you sure you wanna do this?" Maria yelled over the music while Carol gave him two enthusiastic thumbs up and exclaimed, "Get it, Stevie!"

In answer, Steve took Maria's face in his hands and gave her a friendly -- albeit sloppy -- kiss on her mouth. Not wanting to leave Carol out, he pulled her in for a kiss too. As he turned to join his new companion, Carol swatted Steve's ass in her way of supporting him further. Which Steve appreciated.

Begin Again: Every New Beginnings Book 1 (Mortician!Steve and Baker!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now