Chapter 5

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"Bella, dear. Thank you so much for coming for tea. Do come in."

Bellatrix followed her mother down the home's main-floor corridor and to the left into the small, informal dining room where tea was usually served. Everything was already set up - a perfect porcelain service with boxes of orange and rose flavoured teas. Bellatrix sat and immediately put a strainer over her cup, scooping rose tea into it. As she poured some hot water from a pot, she asked softly,

"So, Mummy. What brings me to your magnificent home today?"

Druella cleared her throat softly, ignoring her own tea. Bellatrix raised her eyes as she took her first sip of tea, and Druella finally said,

"Your father... he's been rather a mess."

"Has he?" Bellatrix asked lightly. "Was he angry that he had to pay a fine for his carelessness?"

"N-No." Druella shook her head and reached rather impulsively for a macaron from the tea tower. She took a bite and chewed, and when she set the biscuit down, she said, "For days, he wouldn't tell me. Everything was fine, he said, but he was distant. Distracted."

"I can't be a marriage counsellor for you," Bellatrix said, feigning an apologetic tone. She felt a curious prodding in her mind, and she showed Voldemort what was happening. She felt his breath in her lungs, and she took a moment to inhale and hold it, savouring the feel of him.

"The Dark Lord punished your father," Druella said, looking embarrassed. "He told him awful things about you."

"Awful? No." Bellatrix shook her head and set down her teacup. "The Dark Lord told the truth. If Daddy was uncomfortable, that's his fault. As was losing a hundred thousand Galleons to unscrupulous goblins. But no matter; the goblin population is half of what it was a month ago."

Bellatrix felt amusement from Voldemort through their bond, and finally Druella huffed a breath and said,

"Your sister's home in a week's time. I should like to count on you to help with final preparations for the wedding."

"That's not my job," Bellatrix shrugged. "My job is to serve the Dark Lord. I'm doing Cissy a favour by wearing that ghastly silver number she's chosen to torture me with. What else could you need of me?"

Druella blinked a few times and scoffed. Then she said quietly, "How very selfish you have always been."

"Every time I come here, I'm insulted and scolded," Bellatrix pointed out, "but I came, Mummy, because you asked me to. Have you any specific reason for bringing me here, or am I merely to be chastised for existing again?"

Druella shut her eyes and brought her shaking fingers to her forehead as she whispered, "I've had an owl from Andromeda."

"From whom?" Bellatrix raised her eyebrows and shook her head. "Doesn't ring a bell."

Druella scowled. "I'd like to let her come to the wedding. Not the Mudblood, and not their baby. But just Andie, you know?"
"No." Bellatrix shook her head firmly. "No, that Blood Traitor will not be anywhere near Malfoy Manor. She's a security threat, and you're not to communicate with her."

Druella's eyes watered a little, and she hissed, "Are you commanding your own mother to never, ever, ever contact her middle daughter again?"

"You have two daughters," Bellatrix said firmly, rising from her chair, "and if you contact that terrible woman who calls herself Andromeda, you'll have nothing at all. Your punishment will far exceed anything poor Daddy received."

"You're threatening me," Druella said in shock, and Bellatrix shrugged.

"I am warning you, Mother. Andromeda is not a part of this family anymore. She must not be privy to anyone's whereabouts, and she certainly is not welcome at any gatherings. If I ever see her in battle, I will treat her like any other enemy."

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