Chapter 6

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"Ready, Cissy?" Bellatrix held out the bouquet of cream peonies and roses to her sister, who accepted them and grinned.

"How do I look?" Narcissa was pink-cheeked with anxiety, and Bellatrix felt a swell of happiness for her sister. She smiled and said kindly,

"You look like a dream."

Voldemort stood in the ballroom at Malfoy Manor, watching through Bellatrix's eyes as she and her sister and her mother fussed over themselves and prepared to come in. He shut himself off, deciding that this moment should remain private.

A few minutets later, the band at the end of the ballroom began playing a slow, elegant piece to herald the entrance of Lucius Malfoy, Rabastan Lestrange, and the younger Mulciber. Abraxas and Cerda Malfoy came in, followed by Druella Black, who was escorted to her seat by Abraxas. Then Bellatrix came walking down the aisle, looking positively resplendent in her silver sequins. She was followed by the other bridesmaids, and as she passed Voldemort, he flashed her a little smirk and thought,

How lovely you are in silver.

Bellatrix reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear and smiled down at her flowers. She lined up at the front with the other girls and watched as Narcissa came in on Cygnus Black's arm. Narcissa wore a flouncy confection of white tulle with long beaded sleeves and a high neck. Her blonde hair had been tied up in ringlets, and a tulle veil trailed down her back. Voldemort couldn't help thinking that Bellatrix had looked much, much more beautiful the day she'd married him.

She'd looked pretty the day the she'd married Rodolphus, too.

That day doesn't matter. The day I married you was the best day of my entire life.

He looked up to the front and found her eyes. She smirked just a little and nodded. Voldemort sighed, studying her delicate curves. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, even as Yaxley, the officiant, read from a text called Moste Sacred Marriage Rites. Bellatrix urged Voldemort through their link to watch the ceremony, but he thought straight at her,

You're distracting me.

Bellatrix turned up half her mouth and trained her eyes on her little sister. She started thinking about suckling on Voldemort's cock, about his come splattering on her lips and chin and dribbling down her neck, about -

Enough! Voldemort hissed through the link, quickly covering the growing bulge in his dress robes. Bellatrix laughed silently where she stood, and Voldemort frowned. That's not funny. I'll come up there and rut you like a beast in front of everyone.

Bellatrix flicked her eyes to him and shook her head slowly, and now Voldemort couldn't help but smile a little. He finally forced himself to pay attention to the end of the ceremony. Lucius was taking his turn with the vows, his thin hands shaking wildly as his low voice audibly struggled to stay clear and calm.

"Narcissa, member of the most noble and ancient House of Black, my beloved and adored partner. Today I become your husband in my entirety - my mind, my body, and my soul - from this day until the day I die. I swear sincerely to cherish and honour you as your husband and to be faithful to you. I beg you to place upon my finger now a ring which binds me to you in marriage. May our magic unite and grant us a long and happy union."

Druella Black was sobbing into a handkerchief, grinning with uncontrolled emotion as she leaned on Cygnus' shoulder. Cerda Malfoy seemed to be doing the same. Narcissa swiped at her eyes and then slid a ring onto Lucius' finger.

Bellatrix looked bored.

Stand up straight and at least feign interest, Voldemort scolded her. Bellatrix blinked a few times and plastered a little smile on her lips.

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