Chapter 14

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"RENOWNED AURORS DISCOVERED DEAD IN SCOTLAND. Well. We certainly managed to get their attention." Voldemort smirked as he set down his copy of the Daily Prophet. He looked around the table in the dining room at Malfoy Manor; he'd gathered Rookwood, Yaxley, and Malfoy for a small meeting. No large gatherings were to be held, he'd decreed. Not just yet. Rookwood smiled a bit and said,

"My Lord, there was abject panic this morning at the Ministry. I can safely say that the prevailing attitude seems to be that opposing you now is suicide. Talk is not only about right and wrong, about loyalty, but about self-preservation. Most seem to realise what's coming, and they want a place in the Ministry of the future."

"I've heard similarly whilst interviewing candidates to work at Gringotts, Master," Yaxley added. "Most people seem to have come round to the idea that your way is the future. Many are saying that Dumbledore's batty, that he wants another Grindelwald to duel."

"I'm glad to hear all of this," Voldemort said sincerely, "but complacency is dangerous. We'll continue restructuring Gringotts. We'll turn the Ministry more day by day until we can take out Jenkins and replace her, or eliminate the post entirely. Rookwood, Yaxley, keep in close touch."

"Of course, Master." Rookwood bowed his head, and Voldemort flicked his hand to dismiss him and Yaxley. As they left the meeting room, Voldemort felt a pinch inside his bond with Bellatrix. She was up to something, but she didn't want him to see. He frowned a little and turned his attention to Malfoy.

"I've reopened my Floo connection in my office," he said once they were alone.

"I'll ensure the wards around your office are reinforced daily, Master," Malfoy said. Voldemort drummed his fingers on the dining room table, considering that he and Abraxas Malfoy had known one another for thirty-five years now. He cleared his throat and asked carefully,

"How's my little sister-in-law doing?"

Malfoy's face faltered for a moment. He flicked his eyes toward a corner of the room, blinking a few times.

"Narcissa has been... well... if I'm honest, Master, she's been inconsolable. We've had Cygnus over a few times, and of course the Dark Lady is always welcome."

"Unless Narcissa needs her, I do not think it healthy or wise for Bellatrix to dwell on Druella's death," Voldemort said firmly, and Malfoy nodded.

"Narcissa and Lucius are just now registering that their wedding will always be associated with the murder of Narcissa's mother... and the babies. But, of course, Master, they are both ardently devoted to your service."

"I know they are. So is Cygnus. I can feel it." Voldemort folded his arms over his chest and said, "See to it that Narcissa is well cared for by your son. She needs a good solid husband in him now, not the boy who ran off to parties to fuck Edwina Fawley."

Malfoy's cheeks pinked a little and he nodded. "I think, Master, that Lucius has grown up quite a lot since all of that."

"And you?" Voldemort asked with a bite in his tone. "Have you grown up, Abraxas? How are things with Cerda?"

"I've learnt to do much better, My Lord," Malfoy assured him. "To be better with her. Cerda is, I think, with Narcissa as we speak. They spend a good deal of time reading and drinking tea. Walking in the gardens. Just... trying to make it one breath at a time."

"Good." Voldemort gave Malfoy a heavy look. "I can't have the death of Druella Black unravel what I've built. I need you, Cerda, Lucius, Narcissa, Cygnus, and, yes, Bellatrix to quickly move on from what happened at the wedding. We've a war to win."

"And we are your willing soldiers, Master," Malfoy confirmed. He picked up the newspaper and read from the article, "Feared and respected Auror Alastor Moody had previously lost an eye, which was Splinched during combat. His body was found with the other eye missing. Albus Dumbledore asserts that the loss of both eyes, along with the loss of Moody's life, was the work of one Bellatrix Black. Dumbledore claims that Bellatrix Black was torturing Moody with the Cruciatus Curse when he Splinched his eye during Side-Along Apparition, and that she took the other eyeball in Scotland as a trophy. If the rumours are true, young Ms Black is the wife of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and it may be that she accompanied him to assassinate the Aurors and their goblin friend."

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