Escape from the Asylum

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The Undead Asylum where all this madness begins, the undead either escape or Hollow here, those who escape begin their pilgrimage to the Kiln of the First Flame to become fuel for the fire so they can keep this age going. As futile as it may be, it seems everyone is afraid of the dark.

    Two residents of the Asylum sat in their cell and waited for the Elite Knight to come by and mock them as he does every day, but this day seemed different, for the Knight did come but with another and he threw this other person down the hole into their cell, then he closed the hatch and walked away.

They two stood up wary of what this person might do, death was the worst that could be done to them but who wants to die? “Kiryu?” One asked, “Neirad.” The other responded, they nodded and Neirad walked up to the person thrown in by the guard, he grabbed him and threw him up against the wall. “Are you here to try and kill us?” Neirad asked with a cold voice. “I’m not an idiot I know I couldn’t kill either one of you even if I tried, you asshole!” They replied not even attempting to break free, this was also when they realized that it was a girl and not a boy. “Then why are you here?” Kiryu asked with an irritated scowl. “To set you both free, I was recently turned Undead, so I was brought here with this key to aide you in escaping this Asylum and that way we can all escape and begin a pilgrimage to meet the Keeper of the First Flame. That is what you wish is it not?” She asked them both.

Kiryu’s stoic eyes shone and he snatched the key from the girl. “Name.” was all he said to her. “The name is Noire.” She replied. “Well Noire, welcome to the last minute of your own life.” Kiryu said as he unlocked the cell door and stepped through. Almost right away he found a shield and longsword, both were in pretty bad condition but at the least they’d get him through this insanity. Neirad pushed Noire through the door and had her walk with Kiryu, “I’ll cover the rear.” he said and his violet eyes reflected the desires of someone not all quite human, then again so did Kiryu’s. Noire silently studied them both it wasn’t natural to have eyes that weren’t brown or blue so these two having eyes like theirs worried her. I’ll just have to wait until they get their humanity back before I can see what they really are. She thought to herself.

And so the three of them traversed the Asylum and they were nearly at the end for they could hear the Demon clear as day now. “You guys hear that?” Neirad asked them looking behind them at a wall intently. “Yeah, it’s the demon now let’s kick it’s ass and get the hell out of here!” Kiryu responded. “No, not that, ugh that.” Neirad walked over to the wall and put his ear up to it. “I can hear something.” He felt the wall for any weak areas and pushed a few bricks through causing that little section to fall away. “Are you alright?!” They heard him yell as he ran through the hole in the wall.

“You managed to find me did you? Well it’s too late, for I’m as good as dead and no amount of medicine can save me, but will you hear my request?” The dying man asked as Neirad knelt down next to him. “Yes, I will hear your pain.” Neirad replied. “In the corner over there is my extra set of armor I intended to give it to my son when I escaped, but alas that can never be now. So please take it and put an end to this cursed Asylum.” The man said with his last breath.

The armor was standard and nothing special, well worn but also polished - it truly showed how much the man cared for his child. “I can feel it’s weight. This man truly loved his son.” Neirad said to them. “I bet.” Kiryu replied in a way that signaled he was tired of waiting. “Alright, let’s get to it.” Noire responded picking up a discarded scimitar and walking into the next room.

Neirad and Kiryu followed after her, “We’re going to have to walk through this fog and jump down in order to fight this demon.” Noire informed them. “How would you know that, and why is this fog here anyway?” Kiryu asked her, mistrustful of her motives. “I was raised in Anor Londo fighting against the creatures of the Painted World that have recently found a way to escape, that is until I was killed and dumped here, with you two.” She said irritated with the both of them. “Don’t get your panties in a knot, Princess.” Kiryu replied with a shrug as he stepped through the white fog. Noire followed after him and found herself standing on a ledge while Kiryu took on the 3 story tall giant Demon of the Asylum. Here goes nothing. Noire thought as she triple front flipped and landed atop the demon stabbing it in the head before it threw her off and smashed it’s hammer atop her. Kiryu pulled her away from the hammerfall and jumped back. “Keep your wits about you, Girl.” He said to her. Noire pulled away and cartwheeled behind the demon stabbing at it’s legs. “It’s no good this thing has an incredibly tough hide.” She told Kiryu. “Really now?” They heard Neirad yell from above as he jumped from the roof out onto the Demon’s head and sliding down it’s back with his sword digging into it. Kiryu followed up with a powerful thrust and Noire finished it off with a jump and stab to it’s chest.

“That wasn’t so hard.” They said in unison as Noire picked up the key it left behind. Neirad stood near the exit waiting for Noire to unlock the door so they can leave. Kiryu joined him shortly and laughed, “I think I landed on my spleen. Neirad should I be worried?” He asked. Neirad shook his head, “Not if you can still think straight. Now let’s see where this door leads.” He raised an eyebrow to Noire and waited for her to open the door. When she did they found a giant crow waiting at the edge of the cliff and looking dead at them as if it was already waiting for them. “I hope it doesn’t eat us.That would just suck ass, I mean fuck imagine that as part of a legend.” Neirad said with a quick laugh. “She won’t.” Noire said as she walked past them both and flipped onto the crow’s back. “I’m not getting anywhere near that thing, fuck that shit.” Kiryu said crossing his arms as he stopped walking. Neirad jumped up onto the crow’s back behind Noire, “Can you carry him?” He asked the crow and almost as if in compliance it rose up off the ground and with a mighty sweep of it’s wings thrust the doors back into the asylum close. “Oh come on that’s not fucking fair!” Kiryu yelled as he pulled on the door. “Suck it up! I thought the crow was your favorite bird!?” Neirad yelled as he giggled to himself. “Shut up asshole, it’s as big as a drake and it keeps looking at me like it’s going to eat me!” He yelled as he pulled even harder on the doors. “What? What are you going on about?” Noire asked almost as confused as Kiryu is on the concept of being eaten by a crow. Neirad shrugged, “I actually don’t know, but um yeah he says things like that. I’m still trying to understand what he means we he says snoogans. Anyway Kiryu stop being a bitch and let her grab you.” Neirad yelled as the crow swooped in and grabbed the warrior it’s talons and began flying away. “The fuck! Put me down! Lemme go, you oversized feather duster!!” Kiryu thrashed between the crow’s grip as the massive bird flew to incredible heights, leaving the Undead Asylum as nothing more than a shrinking sight in the distance.

“Gods, do you ever quit complaining?” Neirad groaned as the other male squirmed and struggled for freedom. “Do you think he realizes that if the crow lets him go, he’ll fall to his death?” Noire asked curiously, and Neirad shook his head. “He barely realizes his name is Kiryu unless I say it a few times every hour.” Neirad responded, then addressed Kiryu “You do realize that if it lets you go you’ll die right?” He gleefully awaited a response. “What? Are we there yet? I have to pee, and it’s getting cold down here.” Kiryu responded, “Oh look, a fish.” He added in. Noire turned toward Neirad and made a face, “Is he... Is he alright?” Kiryu shouted from beneath them in the crow’s clutches “What?! What about muffin tights?!” Neirad simply smiled at her and responded “Does that answer your question?” leaving her to ponder about muffin tights for the rest of their flight. “Looks like she won’t be talking for a while now. Guess I should just enjoy the silence.” Neirad said to himself. “What’s a cry vance?” Kiryu asked. Neirad shook his head and just ignored all the random things Kiryu said for the rest of the flight.

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