A Little Insight

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    Neirad was up before the others and he found Andre still hammering away at yet another weapon it was almost as if he had an infinite supply of them. “Curious,” He muttered as he inspected a Black Knight sword. “What is?” Neirad asked noticing that the sword was his own. “You’ve killed it’s owner and taken it as your own and yet the sword does not hate you, in fact it prefers your company.”  Andre seemed very confused as to why the sword felt this way, so he decided to ask about it: “Tell me warrior, what were you before you died?” Neirad seemed taken aback the question he looked at the Black Knight sword and sighed, “I was a warrior, in fact I was tasked with killing sinners much like those in the Dark Moon covenant. I can’t exactly remember where I come from, but I remember that I had buried each one with honor with their weapon or something else of import to them. I can’t stand blatant defilement of people…” He held his hand out to receive his newly tempered sword from the giant man. “An honorable past. I can see why the sword of such a noble Knight enjoys your company.” Andre looked over at the others as Kiryu stirred. “Your friend is an odd one but a valiant warrior I can see why you care for him, he is your brother is he not?” Andre said.

Kiryu woke up to Noire nudging his nose down. “I can’t believe that you slept with that fucking armored pig next to you.” She stood up and stretched attaching her bastard sword across her back. “Come on time to get up.” She said through a yawn. “Fine.” Kiryu growled and tossed the hollowed carcass of the pig aside. “Andre, here.” He said pointing at the carcass.

Andre chuckled in response and finished his conversation with Neirad. “May fortune find you on your travels and may the god of war guard your backs.” He smiled beneath his beard as they headed back up the stairs.

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