Chapter 1 "I Miss You"

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Jeff POV:

My life used to be awesome. Like seriously it couldn't have been better after I went crazy. I used to live with Slender in his mansion and, well, everyone hated me but I didn't care. I mean why would I? I love myself and that's the only thing that matters. Fuck Love. Fuck Family. Fuck Friends. Fuck everything. I only enjoyed living there because I had everything. I had my own bed, my own room, well I needed to share it with my stupid older brother but still. I could kill whoever I wanted without getting in trouble with the police so I had food, clothes and all. Everything was perfect.. UNTIL that stupid copycat lesbo needed to start a fight. I mean she's doing that like everyday while I'm just trying to have a good time, but it was worse this time. We just screamed at each other, insulted each other and even beat each other. So that faceless piece of shit decided to be a pussy and just threw us out. And not just me and Jane, he also threw everyone else out. I think all of them hate me even more than before.

When he threw us out I didn't know where I should go. I think I searched whole Denver up for a place to stay. I can't tell how many days or weeks I was walking around. I also lost a lot of weight. Now I look completely like a skeleton. I'm 18 years old now and I'm living in an abandoned house. Alone. I don't have friends anymore.. Actually I never had friends. My brother, Liu was my only and best friend since like forever, but I haven't spoken to him since the throw out and my drunk alcohol addicted ass smashed my phone so I also don't have his number anymore. I'm literally only eating once a week, because I already killed enough people to get new emo clothes and I don't want the police to find me and give me death sentence. Even though I wish that sometimes.. If the police won't kill me then hunger does. I really hate to admit it, but I'm starting to miss the others. Except Jane, she can go die. I really wish I killed that bitch when I had the chance.I miss twitchy boy with his cute ticks and I miss listening to Hollywood Undead with him to get on Tim's nerves because of the "bad words", I miss little ghostly bitch and his freakouts when I beat him at Mario kart, I miss Clocki because she used to be something like my best friend and was always there for me before she started dating copycat lesbo, of course I miss my brother because he was always there for me since my birth, he tried to help me with anything no matter how hard his depression was kicking in, he protected me from everything like I think everyone knows that he went to jail for me and no matter how much he annoyed me, he's still my brother after all and I love him... and I also miss.. EJ... eyeless kidney harvester.. I don't know why but I can't even talk about him right now. It hurts. It feels like a knife stuck in my heart every time I talk or even think about him. I never felt something like this before so I can't tell what it is but I just wanna be with him right now... I just wanna hug him and I want him to tell me that everything's fine. I wanna hear that my life isn't a piece of garbage and that it'll get better. I just want that cute cannibal to- WOAH WHAT THE FUCK. I honestly don't know what got into me I mean do I look like a faggot? No that's disgusting ew. I just really liked him. Like a friend or something like that. Nothing more. And he probably hates me like everyone else does so it doesn't even matter..


I don't know what's wrong with Slender.. Why does everyone have to suffer because Jane always has to provoke Jeff? I mean my life's actually awesome I have a home, Slender helped me kill people to get clothes and kidneys, well I'm not eating them cuz' even though everything seems so awesome it isn't.. I feel like something's missing.. I don't know what it is but I know I won't be happy until I have it.. and that's not the only thing I also really hate myself. I'm a weird disgusting monster. Before Slender threw us out I had people who were telling me that everything's fine.. that I'm beautiful just the way I am and that I'm not a monster. I believed them but that wasn't true. I mean I'm still friends with the others and sometimes we meet up and I'm really trying to talk with someone about it but the words won't come out.. I only talked with Liu about it, he's also been very depressed because he misses his brother which is relatable.. Well I actually made Liu tell me about his problems so he tells me what he's doing when he's depressed and he said he's hurting himself.. So I also did that. Liu said he's doing it with razor blades but I never needed a razor and I really don't wanna kill people only to get one so I'm using knives. The thing is I already have a lot of lacerations on my arms so I continued on my legs and then on the rest of my body.. I think the worst pain was when I did it on my shoulders. That shit hurts. At least I'm only wearing hoodies and long pants so no one sees it. What am I saying? As if someone cares..

I'm actually glad that I stayed in contact with the others, but I wanna know where Jeff is.. I wanna know how he's doing.. I wanna know what he's doing, I wanna know if he's living with someone else or if he has a girlfriend.. I just hope he's happy and I hope someday we'll meet again.. I just wanna hold him in my arms once again.. I know this sounds pretty gay, but it's how I feel. Maybe I am gay who knows, but that doesn't even matter cuz' who could ever love me if I can't even love myself? I mean I'm ugly, my body is so skinny that it looks disgusting, I just look like a monster and my personality also isn't the best. I'm very affectionate, my jealousy level is even higher than my IQ and I didn't even know that this would be possible.. I literally had an argument with Jeff because some girl was flirting with him and that dumbass still didn't notice a thing. Right. My IQ is also a problem. I always have to correct everyone and show off that I'm smarter than them.. but it's not my fault that they're stupid. They could also be smart if they wanted to.

Ah sorry I'm drifting off.. the fact is I'm a piece of garbage and I'll stay lonely until I die.. Well I don't even know if I can die since I'm a demon but if not then I'm just gonna stay alone until the world explodes or so..

Jeff POV:

I went outside for the first time in months. Maybe it's not good for my health and my bones might just break but do I look like I give a single fuck? Nah, bitch. I'm in the woods right now. Just sitting there like the piece of shit I am. I like being a piece of shit to be honest, but only I have the rights to insult myself. I honestly don't know why I'm here I guess I needed fresh air? My house smells like 1000 people have died there. Which also might be the case. Well maybe I'm just hoping to meet some of the others even though they probably would make fun of me and my situation, but if I meet Jane I swear to god I'm gonna punch her in her ugly goth face.

Damn It's already getting late.. I can't believe I stayed here for that long, but I don't have anything else to do with my life.. I just got up and wanted to leave the woods- but WAIT I think I see something.. I see.. uh.. a blue hoodie, blue jeans, blue sneakers.. and I'm not sure but I think I also see a blue mask.. could it really be? Is that my blind kidney harvester..?

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