Eye Contact- Han Jisung Fluff

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I saw him the first time on the street. He wasn't anything remarkable, not anything to draw your eyes. But something about him did, and I found myself meeting his eyes by accident.

They looked like pools of melted dark chocolate. Deep and easy to lose yourself in them.

But he smiled at me, and they became less intimidating just then. As though he knew how beautiful he was when he smiled.

And then he was gone, a memory as others pushed me toward my final destination.

The next time was when I went out for groceries. He was there, in line at the check-out, one line over. I looked over curiously, to see if it was the same person. He turned, and I saw, once again, those beautiful eyes. He glanced past me though, not noticing or caring that I was the same me from a few days ago. He checked out and left the store, with me starting to become curious. Who was he?

The third instance was at a skating rink. I had agreed to come with my friend Taytem to practice on the ice. I wasn't very good as far as tricks, but I could go fast. It was exhilarating. We talked and laughed and watched each other. At one point, I noticed a group of boys that we had been avoiding looking over at us as Taytem showed off her skills. One of the boys in particular was looking at me. And it was him. His eyes locked onto mine and held the gaze for just a moment, before moving onto Taytem.

"Taytem-ah," I murmured. She moved next to me and stopped showing off to chat.


"That's him," I continued. "The guy I keep seeing in random places. And he just recognized me too, I could see it." We set off again, keeping pace with each other. We headed toward the boys where they were reclining against the boards where the goal would go. Then we turned, trying not to get near them. I noticed that they immediately looked up from where they were clustered around my Mystery Man, and started to skate slowly after us, with a few racing around us. I just laughed. They looked like they were about to fall over at any moment.

"Well," replied Taytem. "Why don't you go talk to him or something?"

"Are you kidding?" I asked her, my voice going higher than I had expected. "What if he thinks I'm following him or something? He might yell at me or tell me to go away or even worse... actually talk to me." I ended with a joke, knowing it would lighten the mood a bit, even if it wasn't a ton.

"Okay then, Scaredy Cat," she teased. "Just know once your curiosity gets the better of you that I'll be waiting to hear how it goes." For the rest of night, her words played on repeat in my head. Would I be curious enough? Would I be brave enough?

Turns out the answer is no. Not today. (Not not today 😁)

I waited many long weeks to see him again. My memories of his face invaded my sleep, those beautiful eyes excited my inner detective. Who was he?

I saw him again at the pool with my friends. He was with the same group of guys, as far as I could tell. I myself was with Taytem, Hawon, and Hyunjae. We were just playing around having fun and enjoying our day, when I saw his eyes. I decided that today I needed to ask him about himself, so I convinced Hyunjae and Hawon, with Taytem's help, to go talk to their group.

There were eight of them and four of us, so it was a little intimidating, but we managed to go over and talk to them. Hyunjae immediately went over to a guy who I heard introduce himself as Minho. Hawon was not-so-subtly inching toward a good-looking boy who nodded at her, and then called himself Hyunjin. Taytem and I stuck together, both walking toward the brunt of the group. They introduced themselves as Felix, Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, Jeongin, and finally, it was his turn. I would finally learn something about him.

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