Episode 13: Aware of my Abilities

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     I thought that was it, that I was done for, that all my life achievements welled up to nothing at this point. Was it fair to be kidnapped and die with your kidnappers in an accident? I didn't like it one bit, because in the end the person who hired these guys would still benefit from my death and show no sympathy for my captors. The only thing that kept occurring to me was teleportation, of which I had little knowledge of, and yet, I found myself standing outside, right behind the truck on the right side with no injuries!
     I scanned my body with my hands for injuries and found non. I breathed heavily, sighed with relief and thanked the Lord. I saw a sobered truck driver coming put from the truck. A white old man, evidence of alcohol written all over his face, wearing a blue sweater, a pair of grey trousers and black shoes. He blinked at me and took a shocked look at the truck, then panicked and fled. I shook my head in wonder and looked down across the street to see the wrecked GT car. I decided to leave instead of checking whether they were alive.
     A few minutes later, I found myself on a train, not knowing where it was heading. Even though no one pursued me, I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. As I rest my head against my seat, I couldn't stop wondering how I had managed to escape. It happened all in an instant, like a miracle I couldn't explain. Or could I?
     Space-time teleportation!
     That was actually what was in my mind! There are different types of teleportation that we know, and one of them is space-time teleportation. As long as you see where you are going, you'll teleport to that location in the twinkle of an eye. If that were so, then that means not only do I have a forcefield, I can also pinpoint my teleportation by sight.
     It now occurred to me that what I was experiencing wasn't an illusion, it was real. Consequently speaking, as I looked at the people around me, I could see the full details of their possessions and could even determine the maximum speed this train could go. As interesting as it sounds, it seemed terrifying. I took one good look at a woman and found myself thinking of X-ray. It was then I saw the woman's underwear and even determined their sizes! I removed my sight from her before she could notice me and scratched my head to wonder why all this was happening to me. Immediately the train reached it's destination, I bolted out of it, ran out of the station and across the street until I ended up in an alley.
     I stopped and took time to respirate. It was during this process that some men came out from nowhere and surrounded me on both sides. It was their soft laughter that alerted me of their presence, and I saw that they carried various weapons at hand. One of them, wearing the cruelest of all faces, smiled evily at me while placing a baseball bat on his right shoulder with his right hand and holding a cigarette on his left. He too in some smoke from it and puffed it out to welcome his entrance. They were gangsters, people who took advantage of other people to satisfy their own needs, cruel and wicked, without giving their actions a second thought.
     " Well what do we have here?", said the man(obviously the leader) with a grin on his face," A black nigga whose gonna regret being born by the time we're done. You're right on time for the show".
     " What show?", I asked without fear.
     " You aren't scared huh? You should be. Now just give up all your valuables or you'll help us make a scene where you won't even be recognized in the hospital".
     " You think I'm gonna hand over my hard-earned belongings to some fools who can't even feed their own families?", I taunted them with a smirk on my face.
     This obviously agitated them and made them mad. The leader obviously was more pissed than the rest." You wanna die so bad, huh punk? Alright then", he said and pointed to a man with his bat," Fakir, make him wish he was never born!".
     The latter responded and came rushing towards me with a knife at hand, but little did all of them knew that I already knew what each person had and determined what to do to counter. And so, I moved out of the way, grabbed him with my left hand, tasered him with a taser that formed in my right, and drove him face first to the floor. I stood up and marvelled at the taser, realising that I had created something immediately my mind thought about it. I looked at the others who were dumbfounded at what happened.
     " What the hell? Are you that weak Gord? You've gotta be kidding me. You know what, the first person to bring me his head gets his stuff!", challenged the tyrant.
     His underlings took on the challenge and rushed towards me all at once. The man thought he had won, believing that the number advantage was the surest way of winning, until he was shocked to see his men all defeated and me unscathed. Some were tied up, some only hit themselves, some knocked out, some holding their ball sacks while the rest fled. The fact that I could single-handedly defeat them with recreating thoughts from my mind made me more happier than before.
     " You guys are so weak! How could you lose to this loser?! I'm gonna show you what a real man's like!", barked the tyrant as he rushed towards me with his bat. He tried to hit my head but was surprised to see that the bat broke into pieces before coming in contact.
     This... This is impossible! Exclaimed the man in his thoughts.
     " Hey buddy", I said to draw his attention and pointed my right hand at him," Talk to my palm".
     A small blast came our from my palm and hit the guy in the chest. While he flew towards the end of the alley and landed with groans, I marvelled at what had happened and realised that I was now getting a hang of it. I turned round and walked away towards the other end, wondering what new found powers I had within me. Little did I know that my enemy managed to get back up to his feet and pointed a gun at me while holding his chest with his left hand.
     " Hey bastard!", he yelled out loud to draw my attention," Go to hell!".
     He opened fire repeatedly without caring, and used up all his bullets in that standoff. However, his senses finally alerted him that there was no one there anymore, and that he has wasted his shots for nothing.
     " That was a mistake", said a voice from behind.
     He dared not to look, but braced forward for the torment he was about to receive. It was his screams that startled a young man named Mr. John who was thinking of what next to add in his story.
     " Urgh, damn those hooligans", he muttered.


     Police cars parked round the damaged car and truck. A black woman joined the investigators as they looked inside the car to see the dead bodies of three men.
     One of the men sighed and asked the black woman," What do you think Jessica Chou?".
     " Three killers, judging from the viper tattoos on them. They must be the Black Vipers that had been harming people in this city. Nemesis finds them in the end".
     " Looks like the Vipers' case is settled then", said another inspector.
     " Not quite".
     " What makes you say that?", asked the first inspector.
     " Judging from what I'm seeing here, there was a fourth person. How? This man right here, the one with the cigarette, had his gun facing the other seat beside him. The one on the passenger seat also had his gun pointed at that space too. Also, it's still warm".
     " Even if there was, how can we be so sure?", asked the other inspector.
     " Well we know that Vipers don't keep contacts or messages to hide the identity of their associates, so the only way to confirm this is to ask the person who drove that truck", she replied and faced the truck.
     " Is that all?:, asked the first inspector.
     " Not quite", she said and walked round the truck. The two men followed her while she shone a blue light on the floor from a blue lamp," There are footprints behind the truck that showed that someone was standing right here, and there are also footprints beside the truck that shows the driver running away from the scene. From what I could determine, there was no third party here. The victim of the kidnapping is the same person standing behind the truck".
     " And how's that possible?", asked the second inspector with a frown.
     " You mind telling me how can a victim escape from a wrecked vehicle without getting hurt?", she asked with a clever look on her face.
     He sighed and replied," But even with that, we don't have concrete evidence, and besides, the Vipers are dead and are no longer a nuisance".
     She sighed as well and walked pass them, saying," That's what you don't know about me. Not only I'm I interested in the end of crime, I'm also interested in what caused it's end!".
     The two men looked at each other and sighed." Geez, I just don't understand that woman", said the first inspector.
     " I don't care. I've got a wife and kids to take care off and I aren't going to be chasing the wind. See you later Mr. Holland", said the second inspector.
     " Stay safe", replied the first inspector, and they parted ways.
     Unknown to them all, a man watched the whole scene in an alley. He sighed and walked away, smoking his cigarette in a calm manner, until he threw it angrily into a dumpster and cursed the day Lekoje was born.

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