Always Say Goodbye - Hoseok

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"Never play alone. Never play in a graveyard and always say goodbye," Sana read out the rules from the paper she found as soon as she opened the box.

"Alright guys let's begin!" You squeal with pure excitement.

"You sure you guys wanna do this?" Hoseok asks.

"Yea duh," Jungkook rolls eyes at his hyung.

A group of friends who have come out for a holiday trip to Pattaya decide to spice things up by using an ouija board. They had just finished highschool so they wanted to chill out.

Jin had booked a hotel with the largest suite to accommodate all of his friends.

Yoongi had insisted on turning off the lights except for one above their table to make things more fun.

Hoseok admitted that he didn't want to play the game so he sat in a nearby couch watching his friends.

"Put your index and middle finger on the planchette guys," You said and they followed.

One round for each of us," You whispered as you circle the planchette on the ouija board 8 times. Seven guys out of which Hoseok wasn't taking part plus you and Sana.

"Now repeat after me,
As friends we gather
Hearts are true
Spirits near
We call to you," You said.

"How come you know these Y/n?" Namjoon asked.

"I watched a couple of videos on youtube," You shrugged, "Now repeat what I said."

"As friends we gather, hearts are true, spirits near we call to you," They all said in unison.

"Is there a presence here in this room?"

We look at each other and everything was so quiet. Taehyung slouched in his chair letting out a sigh.

"Patience guys," You said as you repeat yourself again.

"Is there a presence among us?"





"I knew this wouldn't work," Jin said with a straight face.

"Let's get going guys, it's just a waste of time," Taehyung said taking his hand off and getting up.

"You can't just leave like that idiot," Sana scolded.

"I'm gonna get to bed," Yoongi said about to take his hand off.


The planchette moved to the left top corner reading a 'yes'.

"I know you're doing this Y/n," Jimin glared at you.

"I swear I'm not! Please ask Taehyung to sit down, he can't leave after starting it together," You said.

Taehyung pulled the chair back again returning to the same position as before placing his two fingers on the planchette again.

"What is your name?" Sana asked waiting for a reply.

It took a few seconds until the planchette started moving again.







"Hey, isn't this the name of the girl who was reported to be missing a few weeks ago?" Jin asked us.

"I'm heading to the restroom guys," Hoseok said getting up but the others barely payed attention to him.

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