Her Revenge - Seokjin

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"Time to have dinner babyboy," I smile at my 9 month old son as I head to the kitchen to make him dinner.

Once I sit down with a bowl of baby food and my baby on my lap, I scoop some food and bring it close to his mouth.

"Ah-p-pah," He said with his feeble voice and I was surprised hearing his first word come out.

"Aww Minjun-ah, your father is going to be so happy knowing your first word was 'Appa'!" I exclaim at him. He stared at me with doe eyes which was so cute!

After feeding him, I changed his diaper and clothes and carried him to his crib.

"Hmm...it's almost 9, why hasn't your father arrived yet?" I spoke to myself looking at the clock.

I was upstairs, rocking the baby to sleep when I heard the front door open and close downstairs.

"Your father just arrived," I softly spoke watching Minjun drifting to sleep. Once he was asleep, I placed him inside the crib and headed downstairs.

I set the dinner that I had already cooked an hour ago on the table after heating and waited for him. We usually have dinner together.

After a few minutes, Jin arrived wiping his wet hair and sat on the table in front of me. He usually tells me what happened throughout the day or we talk about something or the other while we eat.

But today he was awefully quiet.

He only had his eyes on the food and did not once look up at me. I noticed that his hands were slightly shaking.

Why does he look so scared?

"Everything alright?" I asked him to which he didn't reply.

"Jin, what happened?" I ask him once more.

"Where's Minjun?" He asked with his eyes still fixated on the plate.

"He's asleep. I asked you what's wrong."

He hesitated for a while before answering.

"S-she's b-back," He said, his voice was shaky.



"Who's Chaeyoung?"

"M-my ex. I thought she died," He said dropping his fork.

I stared blankly at him. I couldn't process this new information he is telling me.

"I thought she died, but I saw her today," He blurted out.

Died? But saw her?

What the heck?

"I saw her on my way home. She told me that she'll get her revenge," He said.

I stared him not knowing if that really happened. But why would he lie to me?

"Y/n I'm scared," He finally looked up to meet my eyes. It was only then I took note of a handprint on his neck.

[A/n: Somethin like this]

[A/n: Somethin like this]

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