Psychiatrist - Jungkook

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[A/n: Song and video does not belong to me. Credits to its rightful owner. I recommend you to listen to this before or while youre reading this]


*Knock Knock*

"Yes come in," I greet as the door opened to reveal a skinny girl around my age.

"I reserved an appointment in the name of Jeon Jungkook--" She started with a smile, however a forced one.

"Ahh yes," I exclaim remembering the name.

"I'm his sister," She says tensed seeming like she's been dealing with a lot of things.

"What brings you here?"

"My brother has not slept well for the past week. He looks frightened most of the time, he's not himself these few days," She says, worry prominent on her face.

I nod as I pull out a paper and pen to note down her words.

"What's the reason to his sudden change of behaviour?" I ask noting down her previous points.

"I'm not sure. I guess he's seeing things, you know what they call....uhm.....hallucinations."

"What makes you say that?"

"I've heard him talk in the middle of the night and he always looks exhausted in the mornings. He wouldn't tell me a thing when I ask," She looked upset.

"Alright miss, I request you to send your brother in and wait outside. I'll get back to you once the session is over," I smile sweetly at her and she nods.

Minutes later, a young boy entered the room looking all drained. He look skinny and pale with prominent dark circles under his eyes. He basically screamed zombie energy.

"Please take a seat," I say pointing to the chair next to me.

Once he obliged, I flipped to a new page of my small notepad. The boy had his eyes fixed on my notepad.

"Hey Jungkook! How are you feeling today?" I smile at the glum boy ahead of me.

"Not bad," I hear him mumble.

Let me try to break the tension with some easy questions so that he feels comfortable talking to me.

"What's your favourite colour?" I ask.


"Favourite food?"

"Lamb skewers," He mumbles and I smile a little at his cuteness. This guy reminds me of a bunny.

Asking a few more questions about his favourite things and friends, I decide to move on to questions regarding why he is here.

"How long has it been since you had a good night's sleep?"

He contemplated for a while before lifting his head.

"A week."

"What's bothering you?" I ask noting down his previous answer.

"You're probably not gonna believe me so there's no use in telling you," He shrugs sighing.

"I'm here to help you Jungkook. If you don't tell me what's going on, then you'll not find a way out of this," I replied.

He let out a deep sigh before answering me.

"There's a girl who has been appearing around night time. It's because of her that I can't sleep."

"Hmm... Is there anything she tells you?"

"I always hear her say 'I'll never leave you Kookie' before she disappears. It's because of her that I hate that nickname."

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