Birthday - Taehyung

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11:27 p.m.

"Argh!" I groan as I peel off the charcoal mask from my face. For a girl who barely knows about self grooming, this was pretty tiring.

I'm hosting a party for my 18th birthday tomorrow so my friend suggested that I look like a 'girl' at least on my birthday. Thus here I am trying to look pretty.

Squeezing some hair serum out of a bottle, I apply generously on my newly washed hair.

My phone rings displaying Taehyung's name on the screen. A smile creeps its way on to my face as I attend the call.

"Hey," His deep voice resonates through my ear.

"Hey," I reply.

"What's my Y/n up to?"

"Nothing much...just prepping myself for tomorrow," I answer flustered when he referred to me as his.

Taehyung and I have been dating for almost a month and it has been going really well. He's been really nice and caring and I wish I could've found him sooner. Plus this is the first birthday I'm going to celebrate with Taehyung.

"Don't put in so much effort, I don't want other guys drooling over my girl tomorrow," The possessiveness he held excited me. Thank God he wasn't next to me to see how flushed my cheeks looked at that moment.

"Haha my heart will always be yours," I couldn't help but chuckle at my own cheesiness.

"You're cute," He chuckles on the other line.

"Says the college's heartthrob," I smirk.

"Stop joking," He laughs and we do some chit chatting for a while.

I hold my phone in between my shoulder and ear as I go over to my windows before closing it.

That's when I gasp seeing a man staring right at me. I hastily pull the curtains close turning away from the window.

"What's wrong babe?" Tae asks.

"Tae, I just saw a creepy man staring at me through my window."

"What? Just close and lock your window. You'll be fine," He instructs, "Aren't your parents home?"

"No they're abroad for business purposes so I'm home alone for the next three days," I say not giving a single care about telling someone that I'm home alone.

"I thought I already told you this morning?"

"Ahh yes I remember. Just be careful--"

Before he finished the sentence, I heard a loud bang downstairs. Panic rushed through my being when I realized that someone tried to break open my front door.

Thanking God that I had locked it before coming upstairs, I walk outside my room with my phone in hand with my ears perked for any other sound.

"Omg he's trying to break in through the front door!" I whisper-shout on the phone.

The house went dead silent in another few seconds. That's when I knew that he wasn't standing in front of the main door anymore.

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