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( will be updated as players make discoveries! )

scavenge skill level 0 • 0-1 scraps
scavenge skill level 1 • 0-2 scraps
scavenge skill level 2 • 0-3 scraps
scavenge skill level 3 • 1-3 scraps
scavenge skill level 4 • 1-4 scraps
scavenge skill level 5 • 2-4 scraps
scavenge skill level 6 • 3-5 scraps
scavenge skill level 7 • 4-6 scraps
scavenge skill level 8 • 5-6 scraps
scavenge skill level 9 • 5-7 scraps
scavenge skill level 10 • 6-8 scraps

/scavenge alone
look for scraps on your own. uses one energy.

/scavenge with...
look for scraps with a partner or several others. uses one energy.

/scavenge for (x)
look for scraps to give to another. uses one energy.

/learn scavenging alone
teach yourself how to scavenge. raises skill by .5. uses one energy.

/teach scavenging to (x)
mentor another in scavenging. raises skill by 1. uses one energy.

combat skill level 0 • 0-10 damage
combat skill level 1 • 10-20 damage
combat skill level 2 • 20-30 damage
combat skill level 3 • 30-40 damage
combat skill level 4 • 40-50 damage
combat skill level 5 • 50-60 damage
combat skill level 6 • 60-70 damage
combat skill level 7 • 70-80 damage
combat skill level 8 • 80-90 damage
combat skill level 9 • 90-100 damage
combat skill level 10 • 100-110 damage

/learn combat alone...
teach yourself how to fight. raises skill by .5. uses one energy.

/teach combat to (x)
mentor another in combat. raises skill by 1. uses one energy.

/attack (x)
attack another cat or creature. can be used publicly or dmed to me. uses one energy.

/attack (x) for ...
attack another cat to steal from them. can be used publicly or dmed to me. can be kits, mates, scrap, etc. uses one energy.

/guard (x)
guard another cat, kits, scrap, etc. can be used publicly or dmed to me. uses all energy for the moon.

/murder (x)
attack with the intention to kill. can be used publicly or dmed to me. uses all energy for the moon.


/become mates with (x)
two cats will become mates. does not have to be consensual. does not cost energy.

/breed with (x)
attempt to have kits with another. the chance of conception depends on subspecies. uses one energy.

/nurse kits
the mother must use this command, it is not automatic. if you do not nurse your kits, they can die from starvation after three moons. uses one energy.

the kits must use this command, it is not automatic. if you do not nurse, you will die from starvation after three moons. kits must nurse for the first four moons of their life. uses one energy.

kits can play with their littermates or another. kits can play for the next three moons of their life. with three plays, they enter adolescence with each skill at 2. costs one energy.

/abandon kits
the mother or father can decide to leave the litter. another can take them or leave them to die. does not cost energy.

/steal kits
another can attempt to steal the litter of another. they would have to fight off the mother and father. there is a chance to successfully steal all kits or some. can be used publicly or dmed to me. uses all energy for the moon.

/adopt kits
another can take in kits that have been abandoned. does not cost energy.


/form Alliance with (x), (x), and (x)
forming an alliance with three other cats or more. an alliance need three or more cats to form and must be lead by a cat with an Alliance ability. does not cost energy.

/name Alliance (x)
an alliance must have a name to be referred too. can only be used by the Leader. does not cost energy.

only used by Alliance felidae. two or more felidae patrol the boundaries of the territory and enforce them. border goes up by .5 for each felidae in the party.

/claim territory for (x) Alliance
the whole alliance will stake claim or add more unclaimed territory to their name. requires three or more cats. can only be used by the Leader. costs one energy.

/claim (x) Alliance's territory
the whole alliance will stake claim on another alliance's territory. an act or war. requires three or more cats. can only be used by the Leader. costs one energy.

/declare war on (x) Alliance
declare war another Alliance. it only ends as a victory or truce. can only be used by the Leader. does not cost energy.

/make (x) law
set a new law for your alliance. can only be used by the Leader. does not cost energy but can only make a new law every two moons.

/join (x) Alliance
join the alliance of your choice. the Leader can reject you. does not cost energy.

/leave (x) Alliance
leave the alliance you currently reside in. whether this is a crime or not is up to the Leader. can be used publicly or dmed to me. does not cost energy.


/share tongues with (x)
share information and tongues with another nomad. uses one energy. moves the plot along.

/bury (x)
bury and mourn another nomad. does not cost energy.

pushing past the boundaries of the known world and making new discoveries! uses all energy for the day. moves the plot along.

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