Tagged by b3atlemaniac06 X
1. the Beatles, but I love Led Zeppelin, The Who, loads more to name.
2. 98.
3. Riders on the Storm or Since I've been Loving You
4. Wicker Man (the original, not the remake crap.)
5. "Beware of sadness, it can hit you, it hurt you, make you sore and what is more that is not what you are here for."
6. Maybe like midnight? Sometimes a bit earlier if I feel extra spent.
7. Musician and Singer.
8. George Parasole.
9. Teacher's pet (especially in fan fics wink wonk.)
10. Mrs Dhani Harrison.
11. Dhani Harrison, and George Harrison (kinda weird but oh well) and maybe John Lennon.
12. Horror, they're more likely to happen to me than romantic movies.
13. ... YouTube? No, Wattpad. No. I don't know lmao
I tag RagMamaRag_, harrisonkrishna2 and Malkat1969 xx