Here's another tag, while I write requests lol trust me I am going to update soon. Tagged by hassathebunny x
1. Zoë Claire Elizabeth.
2. Writing, eating, guitar, clarinet, eating, dancing, eating, crying, eating, sleeping.
3. Changes daily but ATM, it's Brand New Cadillac by Rory Storm and the Hurricanes.
4.5. To be a renowned musician and singer.
6. Eh.
7. A lot.
8. Sure.
9. Media.
10. England.
11. Yes.
12. As far as I know, yeah.
13. For what? Wink wonk
14. Dhani Harrison.
15. No.
16. I can do circles and squares,but haven't progressed onto triangles yet.
17. Depends on if I turn up or not.
18. Yes.
19. Single, ready to mingle.
20. Dhani Harrison.I tag: RagMamaRag_ b3atlemaniac06