Technoblade Angst >:3

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Written by wintersafternoon 🖤

Yo it's winter here! The holo's of muffins couldn't write angst sooo I'm doing it for her. I hope I'm good enough for you guys :P

Requested by BridgetTh3B1RD

Hope this is what you wanted


Dave suffers from anxiety attacks. He has to manage a youtube channel by himself and a top of that trying to keep his grades up. Dave currently failing five of his classes.

And his teachers aren't even helping. They just keep piling work on him. Assignments after assignments. He stays up all night just working on stupid assignments.


"Dave it's time to get ready for schoolllll" his mother screamed from the kitchen. Dave jumped awake from his two minutes nap. He was working at his desk in his bedroom. 'Shit! I didn't even finish this stupid essay'
Dave thought to himself.

He quickly got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Time Skip~

He ran out of the bedroom towards his room. 'If I change quickly then I can work on the assignment a little bit more.'

He burst through the door, grabbing his clothes out of his closest. And quickly put them on. Ran over towards his desk and seat down.

Literally like 30 minutes later~

Dave signed, 'finally, I'm done and with a little bit of time to spare.' He got up from my chair and left his room.

He was heading towards the kitchen. When he finally reached he saw a plate filled with food. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a Red Bull out of it. Then he went back to the plate.

Pulling out a chair and sat on it. Then started eating. No more than 5 minutes later he finished eating. He got up and head back to his to get his backpack.

He got it and left his house. He walked to school since it was a nice day. He walked until he reached a big building the was conveniently placed at the end of his street. He walked passed the gates and walked inside of his school. Walking straight to his locker.

He opened it and unzipped his backpack and took out his binder. Then closed it.

Then he walked off to his first-period class.

A little time skip to fifth period~

Dave walked into the class and saw Miss. Andi at her desk. "Hey. Dave do you have your essay? Today's the last day to hand it in." Miss. Andi asked him. "Yeah. It's in my binder" he walked to his desk and open his binder.

He looked through his binder. 'Fuck! Where is it!? Did I leave it on my desk?' Dave started to panic. The bell ranged.

Then he walked up to Miss. Andi and said "Um..Miss Andi ithinkiforgottheessayathome!" "Whoa calm down. What did you just say?" Dave repeated himself but much slower this time.

"So get me straight you forgot the essay at your house" he nodded. "I'm sorry I can't extend the due date again." Dave felt the blood from his face drained. "Miss Andi please i-" "I'm sorry Dave I can. And it's not fair for the people who actually did it"

Dave felt like fainting right there. 'I can't fail this class. I need this class to graduate. And I don't want to repeat this class.'

Dave walked back to his desk and sat down. As the class went on the more he panicked about failing.

Then he couldn't take it anymore. He asked the go to the bathroom. And left.

When he reached the bathroom he walked over to the corner a sat down. He brought his knees to his face and hugged them. He tried to calm himself down but failed. Instead, he made himself even move worst. His though can't be controlled anymore.

I'm a disappointment and I'm useless. Well, you get the idea.

"Hey um Dave has been in the bathroom for a long time now," Darryl said to Vincent and Zak. "Should we go check on him?" "He's probably just having some bad stomach problems," Zak said.

"Zak I'm serious. What if something bad happened to him!?" "Jeez bad. If we went to check on him would that make you feel better?" Vincent chimed in. "Yes! It would" "ok then" Zak got up from his desk and walked out of the classroom. Darryl followed him and then lastly Vincent. But before he left he said this "yo Miss Andi we're going to check on Dave. Ok bye!" He left before she could even answer.

He ran down the hallway to catch up with Darryl and Zak. When he finally caught up they were waiting outside of the bathroom for him.

They looked at each other and went in. When they walked in they saw Dave in a corner on the floor.

They walked over towards him a sat next to Dave. "What happened?" Darryl asked him calmly. "I-i'm never going to pass that class," Dave said in a shaky tone.

"Well is there anything we can do?" Vincent asked. Dave shook his head. "... I didn't believe you..  Um, I can help you with your french class." "And I can help you with your channel!" Zak said childishly. "Well, I can help tutor you" Darryl wanting to be useful.

"But-" "shut up Dave. We want to help you so take the help!" Vincent said not trying to be rude. "Vincent that was a little rude! Say sorry to him" Darryl said. Vincent rolled his eyes. "Sorry. But just let us help you. Pleawe" Dave hesitated but he expected to help.


I hope I did well. This is the first time I wrote this much in a day.


winter out!

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