3. 24 HOURS~Change of Hearts

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Some hours earlier...

Beirut, Lebanon.

Ammar stood up abruptly, his expression displaying disbelief. He closed his eyes trying to digest in the new information he just received. He couldn't fathom it; heck he doesn't even know what to do. He closed his eyes briefly again, using his free hand to massage his temples.

Isn't it all too sudden? He pondered in his head.

"But Mom, everything's been set already, invites had been sent out. The most important guests aren't here yet. Isn't this just too... early?" he tried picking up the right words to address this situation.

Personally, he had no problem with the last minute adjustments. The one he's sure would have a problem with it is his Siddiqah, he knows her plans and this is just going to ruin it for her. The last thing he wants is to see her unhappy and he'd rather jump in front of a bus than to see a frown etched on the beautiful face of hers.

And if he knows her as much as he thinks he does, she's now somewhere gloating over the news. And that is not good at all.

Mrs Bulama, Hajiya Juwairriya Umaymah, sighed. She knew her son  them over it. Especially with her mother in-law involved, "I know my son but look at the brighter side, at least now too much people won't attend or maybe..." she hesitated for a while knowing her son won't like what she's about to say, "You can call off the wedding. Maybe Allah didn't plan for that girl to be your wife" she spat venomously, lowly, but enough for him to hear.

"Mom" he said in a warning tone. He knows Hajiya Juwairriya Ummaymah still isn't very welcoming about his marriage with a Barau girl and she's still hoping that he might change his mind over the matter. "I love Siddiqah, and that is never going to change. No date shifting or anyone can change that"

Hajiya Umaymah exhaled harshly. He's so stubborn, she thought mentally, "Fine" she rolled her eyes, her tone dripping heavily with thick British accent, "I suppose I'll just tolerate her being your wife"

"Mom please..."

"It's fine Ammar!" she cut him off, "Just make sure you catch the next flight back to Nigeria, your grandmother wouldn't be too keen if you're not here for the nikah" she stated in her motherly tone as she stood up from the bed she was sitting now and head to the balcony of the room.

"OK mom, I will. Take care please and I love you" Ammar said trying to end the conversation when he turned and saw Junaid standing by the door leaning against the wall, patiently waiting for his friend to explain to him the reason for his now irked demeanor.

"I love you too my son" with that, she ended the call making Ammar softly throw his phone on the Adirondack table.

"Wassup man, what got you worked up like this?" Junaid inquired as he casually walked forward and sat on one of the chairs in front of Ammar, crossing his legs and leaning back.

"My paternal grandmother, Mamita, is in Abuja and she'd thrown a hell lot of fit until the wedding was shifted to this Saturday. She said that she's undergoing surgery next week and she doesn't want to miss her first grandson's wedding so she didn't give up until Dad changed the date" Ammar explained taking a seat opposite his friend. He placed both his hands on the table in front of him and leaned his face on his hands.

Junaid's brows puckered, "So? Isn't that a good thing seeing how impatient you are about the wedding? Besides, now there won't be too many guests so the chances of any drama taking place is low"

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