Finding the enemy

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Kirari, Natsume, and Ritsu started their first adventure together.

It has been 30 minutes since they left the house and still no sign of any living creature.

Kirari was still excited while Natsume kept his guards up for any attacks.

"Hey Natsu why are so serious looking?" Kirari asked with a tilted head while walking.

"I am focusing, if there are any danger I will be ready." Replied Natsume jokingly doing a fighting stan.

"HAHAHAHAHA." Both Kirari and Natsume laugh.

"That was hilarious." Kirari said still laughing while Natsume started calming down.

"No seriously I really wanna be out of danger and I'm always serious." Natsume said not facing Kirari.

"Mmhh." She hummed in reply

"Come on. No need to be too serious Natsume, this ain't a test you know and plus I will protect you both." Ritsu said proudly.

After he said that there was a movement in the bushes near them. Natsume was the first one to move into action.

"You said?" Natsume said while grinning.

Natsume came closer to the bushes to check he had his sword in his hand just in case for any danger.

He came closer and closer until he is about to move some of the leaves but it was to late, EATEN by a big furry animal.

Just kidding HAHAHAHAHA (continue)

He came closer and closer until he got to the point that he need to move the leaves so he gently pick up some leaves and put it to the side.

Next thing that happened was unexpected...

A little cute furry animal jump into Natsume, this made him stumble down but luckily it didn't hurt him.

The little beast is licking Natsume's face and Kirari was suprise because Natsume was kinda enjoying the little monster.

"Awwhhh." Kirari said in an adored face.

"Hahahaha that tickles, stop hahaha." Natsume said in a laughing manner.

While they were enjoying the little cutie Ritsu was looking around to see if they were not alone.

"Ok that's enough we should continue our search." Ritsu said in a serious tone ignoring the little beast.

"But we can't just leave this little bunggle out here." Kirari said in a wining tone

"We don't need any distraction, finding a monster is a taught job already we don't need any more of this plus that thing might get involve in the fight. " Ritsu said in a serious tone while pointing to the cute animal

"Kirari it's fine, we should really leave it here cause it might get hurt because of us." Natsume said in a seriously while the little animal is still licking him.

"Let's go." Ritsu said continuing their search.

Kirari was just quiet after that conversation they left the animal in the bushes and good thing it didn't try to follow to them.

Ritsu said kept replaying in kirari's mind and got to the point that she realize what she's been doing.

She was supposed to be more serious and not do childish things anymore, she already promise her parents to focus in every situation needed but she forgot.

This made her feel guilty for forgetting and ought to her self that starting today she will focus more on serious situation.

That was the only thing she can do for her now dead parents.

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