The third quest

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- Ritsu's POV -

As I entered the room I felt immense magic behind me, I turned around and saw the old man.

He was gesturing for me to come with him and I did was I was told.

I left both Kirari and Natsume their and followed the old man in a room and I saw a screen that showed Kirari and Natsume.

"You just watch here with me child cause you might ruin Kirari's quest." The old man said while sitting on a sofa.

I sat beside him and watch my friends at the screen.

"Ruin how?" I asked the old man facing him.

"By helping her child, you are far to strong to go with her and plus you already know what she must do and where to find them." He said looking back to the screen.

"Well you got a point there, I was about to say to Kirari on what to do." I said turning back to the screen.

- Natsume's POV -

We entered the room and the door suddenly close behind me but I thought Ritsu was behind me?

'Oh no RITSU.' I said panicking a little.

"Kirari." I called to her.
"Yes." She faced me with a tilted head

"Ritsu is gone." I said with calmly.

"Oh don't worry he must be with the old man." She said casually.

"Ahh so that's why. How did you know?" I asked her surprise of her observation skills.

"Cause I felt immense magic right after I entered this room and it was coming from behind Ritsu." She said bluntly with confidence in her voice.

"Oh okay." I said back.

'This girl is amazing, she can even sense people now. Ughhh. I gotta catch up.' I thought to myself with confidence.

- Kirari's POV -

I saw a sign at the middle of the field of clovers, I took a close look and read the sign.

Third quest:

Find one 4 leaf clover and one 5 lead clover.

Not everything in this world is ordinary you must always find a loop hole in every situation.

That was written in the sign

I was a little confuse in the tip but eh I can find the answer eventually

"Let's start so I can move on to the next quest." I said to myself and went to Natsume.

"Hey Natsu I have to find a four leaf clover and a five leaf clover so gotta search but you stay hear and do what you wanna do." I said while making hand gestures.

"Are you sure you don't need help." He said a little concern.

"Nehh this is my quest after all so no need." I said and went searching.

"K I'll be here if you need me, training." He said and did push ups.

I giggled a little by his sudden urge to train but back to searching.

/1 hour pass/

It's already been hours and I still haven't found any yet.

'Not everything is ordinary? Find a loop hole? Ugh.'

"Lets think, in this world everything is magic trees animals and the environment... THAT'S IT! Maybe I can sense the clover. Ok let's try."

I close my eyes and sense my surrounding, I picture my environment in my head and sense Natsume still training and gaining a lot of magic by the minute... wait magic? But I though Natsume was a normal human mmh I'll ask later.

Focus focus mmh I can sense an unknown alice not to far away interesting and I can sense an even stronger alice at the north side.

I finish and went to the least alice that was near me.

I look to the ground to where I sense it and saw a four leaf clover.

I tried to pick in up but it wont come off, I grab a dagger and tried to cut it but it still wont come off.

'Think think what do I do.' I thought while putting my hand at my chin.

'Ahh poison I will use my arrows and if I'm lucky enough it will be poison.' I took my bow and said 'spe' and my bow turned red.

I shot the ground near the clover and all the normal clover that was near the arrow have wilted except for the four leaf clover.

I took a better look and saw a slightly burned part of the clover, I took out my dagger again and cut the burnt part and it cut through.


I put it in my pouch and went to the five leaf clover as I was getting near I saw something blood red on the grown.

I took a better look and it was the five leaf clover but it was red.

I took my dagger and tried to cut it but it also wont cut through but after that I heard a growl under the clover and I jump back.

I took my bow out and turned it to 'spe'.

The ground was rising and the clover was at the top of it, as it rise the dirt came off of it and saw a red eyed monster.

It has sharp fangs with big mouth and spiky hair, it was walking in four legs but came sprinting at me when it saw me.

I shot it when it got near me and jump into mid air to dodge it.

A shot another bow while I was in the mid air and it growled from pain.

It came running again at me and I dodge it. I took out my dagger and sprint towards it and slash its side.

blue blood came dripping down and a little drop was at my face, I brush it off and look at the monster, it was laying on the ground in a puddle of blue blood surrounding it.

I went closer to it and cut the clover which is located at the top of his head and put it in my pouch.

I started to walk over to Natsume which is at the other side of my location.

As I get closer I saw him swinging him sword and making fighting move, I look at the sign and saw a stare case leading down.

"HEY NATSU I FOUND THEM LET'S GO." I said shouting as loudly an I can, he look at my direction and came running at me.

"Took you long enough." he said joking.

"Well I have to fight I giant monster you know." I said bragging a little.

"Ehhh that's so cool I wish I was there." He said pretending to cry.

"Hahahah come on let's go." I said while walking down the stairs as he followed behind.

"Hey Natsu by the way do you have an alice?"

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