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Day 10

"RUN!" Python yells at me. "RUN!"

I'm sweating buckets, sprinting on a treadmill the wrestling team somehow snuck into their club room.

"How—" I say in between breaths. "How—is this—supposed—to help?"

"FOCUS!" Python yells.

She moves to stand in front of me.

"READY?" Python growls.

For what?

And suddenly, she whips out a picture of Jimin.

"WHAT?" I say suddenly stopping.

Bad idea. The treadmill continues on running, my feet slip beneath me and I fly into the back wall.

Okay. Going to be honest now...


As I get up, I hear a small number of golf claps. Python's crew is seated against the opposite wall, each with some type of board in hand. One by one, the four of the five she-men flip over their boards.

0 1 0 -2

The fifth girl flips a longer board over.


"STOP IT!" I yell.

"GET BACK ON THE TREADMILL!" Python demands.

I jump back on and begin running again.

"READY!" Python says.


Python leans to the side for a second so I can see her face.

"You better do well. That last remark probably took away more points. You know. Bad sportsmanship."

You're kidding, right?


Day 9

"You don't look well," Abna says to me during our 15-minute break in the morning. "And you kind of smell funny."

I sigh.

Well, when you've slammed against a wall fifteen times...Then, yeah, you won't look 'well'.

And the funny smell is the six the Bengay patches I have stuck to my back and butt.

"I'll tell you later. I'm getting some water."

"Get me one too!" Abna says.

At the vending machines, a she-man who can only be Python is standing there.

"Python," I say.

She doesn't turn around.

"Hey, Python!" I say louder.

Suddenly, she removes her backpack, and taped to her back is Jimin's face staring back at me.

"WOAH!" I yell out as I take in his perfect face and bone structure. But I straighten up and manage to calm down.

"Good try," I say with a laugh.

Python turns around and taped to her face is a picture of a beautiful man, Jimin's cousin, how did she mange to get his picture!?

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