398 13 24


Millie Bobby Brown

"Hey Maddie, uh, hi Finn." I step forward to give Maddie a hug and I awkwardly nodded towards Finn in favor of being polite.

Maddie gladly hugs back and she smiles at me. "It's been a year since we've seen each other. I miss you so much!" She squeals. I grin and pull her to hug her again. No matter how long we're apart Maddie is still one of the best people I have as a friend.

"Thanks for looking after that bubble of mischief." I gesture to El who's holding Asher's hand a few feet behind me. I try to ignore Asher's skeptical glare towards me.

"Oh? That? Thank Finn. He's the one who pointed out that El was just wondering alone in front of the toilet." Maddie shrugs and began to walk over to El, totally ignoring the fact that she has now left me alone with the last person I want to be with.

"Um, thanks, for, well, that." I scratch my neck and looked down, avoiding eye contact.

"You're the last person I'd think to be this awkward you know." Finn says, his voice was gentle, careful. I looked up to his eyes and immediately looked back down.

"She's really pretty, what's her name? El? Yeah?"

I nod hesitantly.

"She has your eyes."

I look up at him during that statement. He has a sincere, almost guilty smile on his face. Still so fucking charming though.

"Her eyes are brown, big, and she has that curious but loving look in them. Reminds me of you." He glanced over at El and I swear I saw a glimpse of sadness in his look.

"Thanks?" I say, still so very awkward.

"Let's just hope she doesn't turn out short like you."

I swear I didn't mean to, but I let an innocent giggle escape my lips. He used to always make fun of my height. Being the tall lanky man that he is.

He was surprised to hear me laugh, and he didn't do a good job hiding it.

"Excuse me, I'm a cool 5'4", thank you very much." I reply in a joking manner.

"You're also 27, Millie." He reminds me, making me frown, he just laughs at me.

"Well you're huge now." I said, not really thinking.

His face switched to a mild discomfort. "Um, yeah, that's true."

I raise my eyebrows.

Realization hit me after a couple of seconds.

Oh God.

"Wait! I meant you're tall. I'm not, ugh, not your dic-" I was about to make the situation much worse.

"Okay! That's enough!" Maddie suddenly interrupts, I'm pretty sure she's been eavesdropping.

I gave her a look of thankfulness. Maddie walks back to Finn. She gives him a look that I cannot read then turns back to me.

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