5) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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(((Summary - In his fifth year at Hogwart's, Harry faces challenges at every turn, from the dark threat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and the unreliability of the government of the magical world to the rise of Ron Weasley as the keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team.)))

Chapter 1– Dudley Demented

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Chapter 1– Dudley Demented

In which Harry is angry and picks on Dudley, Dudley is attacked by dementors, and their neighbor Mrs. Figg returns.

Chapter 2 – A Peck of Owls

In which Harry is expelled from Hogwarts, Uncle Vernon swears, Aunt Petunia reveals knowledge of the Wizarding world, Dumbledore interferes and Harry is no longer expelled, but suspended pending a Ministry of Magic disciplinary hearing.

Chapter 3 – The Advance Guard

In which Harry is rescued from number four Privet Drive, Remus Lupin and Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody are reintroduced, and Harry meets Nymphadora Tonks for the first time.

Chapter 4 – Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place

In which Harry is reunited with Ron and Hermione, learns of the Order of the Phoenix, and is reunited with his godfather, Sirius Black.

Chapter 5 – The Order of the Phoenix

In which Harry learns of Sirius Black's family background, and Molly and Sirius have a row regarding what is best for Harry.

Chapter 6 – The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

In which Harry, Sirius, and the Weasleys clean the Black house; Kreacher, the Black family house-elf, shows another darker side to house-elves; Harry is shown the Black family tree; and we learn that Sirius is not only related to the Weasleys and Tonks, but to the Malfoys and the Lestranges.

Chapter 7 – The Ministry of Magic

In which Arthur Weasley takes Harry to the Ministry of Magic for his scheduled hearing and Harry gets a look at the Ministry building and the setup of its offices.

Chapter 8 – The Hearing

In which Harry attends his hearing, Fudge continues to disbelieve him about Voldemort's return, and Dumbledore arrives to assist Harry. Mrs. Figg testifies and Harry is cleared of all charges.

Chapter 9 – The Woes of Mrs. Weasley

In which Ron and Hermione become prefects, Harry is jealous, and Mrs. Weasley's boggart is revealed.

Chapter 10 – Luna Lovegood

In which Harry and the Weasleys are late for the Hogwarts Express (again), Harry and Ginny encounter Neville on the train, and they are introduced to Luna Lovegood and her father's magazine, The Quibbler. Cho Chang makes a brief appearance, and Harry sees what actually pulls the school carriages.

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