1927 •gunslingers of the west•

265 9 3

Allison rode into Blackwater

Every store was closed and not a single soul stood on the street

Allison and Echo slowly trotted through the streets

This is scary She thought to herself

All her life she's had her brother by her side

And she's never been out this late

"Ma'am you know all blackwater citizens have a curfew" A voice said from behind her

Allison pulled the reigns to stop and turned around slightly

It was a lawman

"Sorry Sir...I was just—" Allison tried to speak but was cut off

"My my...you're one of those Marston kids" The lawman crossed his arms

Allison bit her lip trying to think

Jack has always been the one to talk for her

He's always been the spokesperson

"Don't deny it Miss, you're a spittin' image of your parents. Just like that older brother of yours" The lawman approached her

Echo stepped back

"What are you doing out here at this time doll"
He asked with a tilt of his head

Allison let out a soft sigh "I'm looking for my
brother. He left this morning and hasn't returned home yet"

The lawman scrunched his nose "follow me to the station Miss Marston"

Allison hopped off her horse and lead it to the station along side the tall lawman

"What's your name Miss" The lawman asked, he was dressed in a night blue

"Allison" She replied in a soft tone "and yours?"

"Officer Jones" The lawman smiled back at her

She forced a smile as they reached the station

"Hitch your horse there and follow me inside" Officer Jones pointed to a small hitching post next to the front door"

Allison nodded and hitched Echo along side the sheriffs office

Officer Jones had already walked in and Allison could faintly hearing him talking

She patted Echo and smiled "We're gonna find him"

Allison made her way inside, she softly touched her revolver

Just in case She whispered to herself

The door swung open as she walked inside

"Thomas" Officer Jones told a young man sitting at another desk across the room "This is Allison Marston"

The teenager nodded his head at her with his feet propped up

Allison forced a smile then turned back to Officer Jones "Please tell me something Sir, can you help me?"

Jones sat down at his desk and flipped through a few papers

"Last we saw of your brother was a week ago, and you were with him" He said

Allison thought for a moment

"Can't you help search for him?" She asked with a sense of panic

"Miss, do you have any idea where he was heading? Or people he was working with?" The teenager spoke up

Allison took a small gasp of air

"That's it" She chucked "Ms MacFarlane"

The two guys glanced at each other "Was your brother working with her?" Thomas asked

"He was just a day ago" Allison began to walk for the door "I can head up there now. Maybe she knows where Jack is—"

"Now now wait there Miss" Officer Jones tried to stop Allison

She turned around

"I can't let you leave this late at night, you're nearly a teenager. You're too young to be traveling around West Elizabeth, let alone New Austin" He finished

Allison squinted her eyes "I'm sorry Officer Jones. I walked into this Office asking for help, not permission" She turned back around "And I'm older than I look"

Allison stormed off outside and began to unhitch her horse once again

"Miss Marston" The young teenager called bursting through the door

Allison was already saddled on her horse ready to leave

"Pick and choose your words wisely, I'm not letting you waist my time any longer" She gave him a grim look

He held out his hand to shake Allison's

"Thomas, Thomas Belle"

Allison locked eyes with the teenager

"Belle...as one of the biggest gunslingers in the West..." Allison paused  "Black Belle"

"I could say the same thing about your old man" Thomas chuckled "Mind if I ride with you"

Allison stared at the boy quickly scanning him

He was armed with one pistol and a hand knife

"Don't try anything"

Thomas Belle laughed "wasn't intending on it Miss"

He walked to a tall white horse hitched on the side of the small brick office

The two started off their long path to the MacFarlane Ranch

"So Miss Marston—"

Allison cut him off


He laughed "My apologizes...Allison"

She smiled as they both rode a steady, but fast pace down the dirt path

Sorry this took so long!! I just finished a whole story I wrote since this, I mainly focused on that story and I'm really proud of it!! This is my next main focus and I plan on working on this really hard!! I'm currently also balancing Online classes which suck but more to come!!!

Allison Marston // A Red Dead Redemption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now