Chapter 1

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Annabeth's POV:


"Oh my gosh Mandy! We're gonna be late!"

Mandy clealy annoyed, "Just chill will you? I'm still applying my make-up."

"You better hurry! We are so DEAD"

"Okay! Okay! I'm done! Sorry okay?"

"Yeah yeah"

Well Hi I'm Annabeth, a student (obviously) at Paddington University as a 4th Year High School student. Today I'm wearing a dress, braces, glasses, books ( I call it now clothing because its always what I have in my hand ) or as you can obviously come up with the conclusion : GEEK.
And I'm with Mandy. Beautiful, sexy, definitely a fashionista, and can't live without make-up. Wondering why I'm friends with her? Simple, since when we're young we've been inseparable. I became her friend one day when she was bullied by her class because she knows nothing of this place since she grew up in Manhattan. When I protected her and comforted her BAM! BFF and ever!

Now enough of this because we are sooo running late at Homeroom Period.

"Annabeth and Mandy, thank goodness you managed to come in our class. Now will you both please proceed to your seats because I have some important announcement to tell." Ms. Pevensie, our Homeroom teacher said.

So as usual Mandy took a seat on the second row, while I took my seat 2 more rows behind her and beside Jack. And as I took my seat, per the usual, Jack gave me this evil smirk of his (^_^) and true to his expression, he clearly had a plan. Because when I sat on my chair, the chair was not there and I landed on my butt at my place which caused laughter in the class.


Talk about embarrassing!

Well I just took my composure and sat once again on my chair with MY HAND guarding it and finally I sat down to my chair.

"Jack don't do it again" Ms. Pevensie said.


Ugh! Jack even had the guts to put an innocent face! Ms. Pevensie noticed it and can't help but shake her head at his expression.

But still, even though Jack always gets on my nerves sometimes but still I can't help having a crush on him. (^ ////// ^) I mean imagine the most handsome guy always teasing you relentlessly and always giving you that smile of his that makes my heart melt! Just ohmy! I am so lucky to have a seat beside him. And even though he teased me and kinda bully me like earlier but I kinda like it because it means he knows me and oh well its the least that I could wish right???

My thoughts were interrupted by out teachers announcement.

"Guys listen up! As for the usual celebration of our school, we are going to have our Prom next month, and now I will be assigning your partners". Ms. Pevensie said.

After our teacher said this, the buzz inside or class starts to build up. Squealing girls and smirking boys that are very excited for this day. And this year I could just hope I would have a suitable partner unlike last year which was very horrible. Always stepping my shoe and sweating a lot. Eugh! ERASE ERASE!

So then our teacher started calling up names and who are their partners. Some were delighted and some were not but the most shocking of all is..........

"Jack you'll be paired with Annabeth"

"Jack you'll be paired with Annabeth"
"Jack you'll be paired with Annabeth"
"Jack you'll be paired with Annabeth"

WHHAAAAAAT????? Oh my goodness? Is this true???? ( ^///////^ ) Can't help blushing!

I took a sneaking glance at him, and all I could read in his face was BEWILDERMENT and he is pale. And ... I'm kinda hurt.. Is that I am that so undesirable?

And can't help notice the fact that all eyes were on me and Jack. Oooh girls are jealous. But I can't enjoy this feeling because of his reaction. Oh well what am I kidding? How could Jack even like me? Yeah yeah he tease me a lot but I think he is just bored of it. Well I can't help but sigh.

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