••• Mistake •••

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Relationship - boyfriend

I was sitting on the bed beside jimin watching tv. We were just intrigued with the show we were watching, waiting for our mum to bring home our food for dinner.

I was hungry and it was almost 6pm.

"I'm so hungry" I mumbled out patting my tummy. He chuckled at me and patted his tummy too.

"Same" he giggled to himself bringing his attention back to the tv show again.

I suddenly got a notification from my phone. I checked who it was and smiled when I saw my boyfriends name pop up.

He texted me 'where are you'. I replied back saying 'at home'. I furrowed my brows at the next message. He texted 'I'm outside, open the door'.

I swung my feet off the bed and quickly got up. I paused briefly at a voice.

"Where are you going?" He asked. With a confused expression. Mum is going to be home soon.

"Ahh uh yoongi is waiting outside for me" I replied brushing off his concern. It'll be quick anyways.

"At this time?" He raised a brow at my choice. Well, I guess the timing isn't great but what can I say.

"It will be quick, I promise" I stated rushing out of the room leaving him alone.

I made my way down the stairs and towards the front door. I swiftly opened the door and was greeted my boyfriend. I smiled upon seeing him.

He had a grumpy face but smiled past it. I stepped aside letting him in after hugging.

"How are you yoongi?" I asked snuggling up to him. We both sat on the couch silently.

"Who is that guy upstairs?" He asked suddenly. I furrowed my eyebrows at his question. Does he mean jimin?

"Huh? Do you mean jimin?" I asked when his expression became more scowled.

"Jimin?" He questioned raising a brow. I nodded finding nothing wrong with it. Why is he overreacting?

"He is my brother Yoongi" I asserted as his brows furrowed.

"It doesn't matter y/n being with another guy isn't alright!" His voice raised a little bit. I looked down at my lap and toyed around with my fingers.

"Listen, you can't just go ahead and hang around with other guys other than me" he huffed inching closer. I nodded solmly.

"But there isn't anything wrong with it" I argued back unhappy with his statement. He can't control who I hang around with, I am his girlfriend for a reason. I won't go and cheat on him.

"There is!" He hollered.

"I won't do anything behind your back don't you trust me?" I questioned glancing at him.

He had his arms crossed over his chest and sat back. His expression became mixed.

"I do trust you, I don't other guys you might hang around with" he stated. I rolled my eyes and stared at him.

"Seriously yoongi, you're being irrational I think you should leave" I spat pointing to the door. His expression darkened.

"No I won't leave" he insisted crossing a leg over the other. I furrowed my brows.

"I'm not leaving without you" he threatened suddenly standing up. I looked up confused only to be pulled up seconds later.

"Text jimin that you're going out and won't be home until tomorrow" he demanded pointing at my phone.

I quickly did as he said and then I was pulled out of my house. I don't believe I'm actually letting this happen.

"Why are you taking me at this time?" I questioned yanking my arm away from him as we walked. He didn't answer.

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