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For as long as i can remember, no one cared for me. I, neither the first prince or the second, was not needed. The accident, the political asset, the maybe. Forgotten in the emerald palace, I was left to live my life in peace. 

That is until the night of my debut dance. Guest had yet to arrive, yet the ground was littered with bodies. Servants and royals alike, fallen to the ground, the floor, covered in their own blood as well as other's.  Bu delicate lace dress stained a dark red, from dragging on the marble floors, my hands shaking in fear. 

I see a head of blond running my way. 

I call to him but his eyes tell me that he is not here to save me from the nightmare. He held my wrist tight with his blade at my neck just as Claude turned the corner. 

That was the night, I lost my eldest brother

I cried and cried. Not for my brothers, or my parents. I cried for myself. For how pitiful I must seem. I knew nothing of what was going on, and nothing of what had happened. On the night of my debut into high society, I saved by my elder brother. I was also feared by society because of him. This night would not be my debut into Society, but a debut into isolation. 

" Why do you cry Evangelina? Would you have rather I killed you as well? " His eyes are as cold as ice,  Jeweled much like mine. 

" No Elder brother, I cry because I pity the life we are lead to live. " He places a blood covered rose into my hair. 

" The Sun will rise Evangelina. Sleep until them. " He waves his hand in front of my face as I know, he means the best for me. I sleep and the dreams he shows me are of a dance i can only dream of. A dance where I spun in circles until I became too dizzy to stand, with a loving father and two brothers smiling down at me. 

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