A wish of happiness

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Felix became Athanasia's personal guard and while she plays with her father, Felix is to resume being my knight. Otherwise, I usually find myself in my office, finishing some wort of paper work. 

I my brother and niece having tea in the garden. I can't place what this feeling in my chest is.. This feeling of resentment or longing. I assume most would call it jealousy. but I'm more than happy for them. Finally able to live a life neither of them were able to do before. 

I finish up the work in front of me and continue to watch them from my window. 

" Milady, would you care for some tea?" I hear a familiar voice call to me from my doorway. I node my head and watch as Athy crawls into my brother's lap. I hope she has a happy childhood.  Nothing like the one Claude and I lived. 

I hear the door close and tea being poured into cups. A hand is offered to me. 

" Let us move to the coffee table." His smile is as sweet as honey and his hand is as warm as the sun. I stand up and let him lead me towards the lower table. Just as I was about to take a seat, I am pulled into his lap. 

" You looked as if you were jealous. Perhaps, you wanted to sit in someone's lap as well?" His voice is almost teasing and I can feel the heat crawling up my neck and adoring my cheek.  

I try to get up. " You jest. I was just wishing for their happiness as father and daughter. He wraps his arm around my waist from behind. From the corner of my eye i see that he is just as red as I am.

" You do not need to force yourself to act this way Felix. I am more than happy with the usual you." I whisper and he buries his face in my back. 

" I know but I wish to make up for any memories you may not have had the chance to make. If This is one of them I will happily partake." I laugh and finally escape from his grip.

" I'd rather make new memories. not try to make up for lost ones. " He looks up at me with puppy dog looking eyes and blushed a red that matches his hair. He almost runs to my side of the table to pull my seat our for me. I curtsy slightly before taking a seat and letting him push my seat in for me. He settles down in the chair opposite of me. 

" Have you ever thought about your future Felix? Do you plan to stay in this palace all your life?" He clears his throat. 

" No matter what, I wish to continue to serve your family for the rest of my life. " He smiles so softly that I can't help but think that he is telling the truth. 

" You don't wish to explore? To start a family? To get away? Why do you wish to stay with such a poisoned family such as ours?" 

He sips his tea with calm eyes. " I was your brother's bosom brother and I grew up with all of you.  The royal family is all I know and I don't wish for any more than this. I am happy to just be able to serve the royal family whether it's to escort you in the garden or to open doors for princess Athanasia. " I can feel with my magic that he only speaks truth. 

"but I plan to find a wife and start a family one day." He smiles so softly and I feel that gut wrenching feeling once again. the Jealously. Jealous that he has the choice of finding a wife. Jealous that someone will actually want to love him without any underlines reason. 

" I envy you. I am only a political asset so the only reason I will marry is that the country will profit from it. I envy you because the people do not fear you. " 

" You will not marry for political reason. I have no need for you. " We hear a voice from the door way. There stands the Claude with little Athy in his arms. 

" I do not need you to marry. This country has no need for you. You are simply here because I wish for you to be. That is the only reason you are alive unlike him.." He sets his daughter down. 

" Felix, take her back." 

They leave and I left with my brother

" I know elder brother. " He nods and places his hand on the top of my head. 

" All I wish for is your happiness elder brother." He doesn't say anything. 

" If you wish to marry, I will find a husband for you." He states with no emotion. 

He doesn't understand

" No elder brother, I am more than happy to simply be by your side. " 

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