She Got A Hold On Me || 23

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This city is gonna break my heart____________Liam's POV

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This city is gonna break my heart
Liam's POV

Life with Bahira is truly heaven on earth. The time spent without her is practically nonexistent because of all the time we're spending together now. The days feel endless and when nightfalls, it's as if we're entering in an entire different world. Perfect is the only word I can describe life with Bahira Malik. As the days went on, I can only see my life getting better with her. No longer were my days filled with grey skies and empty thoughts running amuck. The happiness I never thought that I'd see again is back in full force. I truly thought nothing could cause this to end.

That was until I started to notice quite a few things about Bahira.

When with me, she's carefree and a thousand percent her authentic self. She's loud, playful and the best kind of strange. That's until whenever Karla called or her parents called, she'd begin to act different. She'll tell them that she was with friends instead of being with me. She'll tell them that she went on a holiday and thats why she hasn't been at home with Karla. Please don't get me me wrong, I understand why she'd still lie to her parents. She hasn't seen them face-to-face in a few months and I'm clearly not in any good graces with Zayn. I just don't understand why she feels the need to like tp Karla.

Karla has always been supportive of our relationship.

Is it because she's embarrassed by me? I can understand why, but I'm trying my best to redeem myself. Very thoughts like this have been driving me insane. I can't stop myself from getting upset every time she lies about who or where she is. That brings us here, Bahira lounging on the couch while I'm standing in front of the stove cooking us dinner. A simple stake and asparagus dinner by her request. She's on the phone, once again, not being truthful to the one person who'd be supportive of our relationship.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be home tomorrow, okay? Then we can have a good gossip session." She laughs twisting a strand of hair around her finger. I can feel her eyes on me, surveying my moments as I cook. "Goodnight Karls! Love you too babes!"

Footsteps stop behind me and she snakes her arms around my waist. Her warm cheek heats up the small section on my back where her face lays. We stand there in silence for a few minutes as she rocks us gently and begins to hum out a random tune.

"Can we have wine?" She asks quietly drawing patterns on the top of my spine.

I nod, flipping the stakes over in the pan. "Grab whichever one you'd like from the rack."

She kisses a spot on my back, just below my right shoulder blade, and pitters towards the wince rack. "A red one, right?"

I can't help but chuckle at her tone of voice. It's kind of like a very posh accent that she's trying to replicate. Trying is definitely pushing it, being that her Bradford accent is way too thick. A clown is what my girl is, a silly clown.

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