Bandage the Damage || 11

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And if I'm not the best, then you're stuck

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And if I'm not the best, then you're stuck.
Liam's POV

Do you ever get the feeling that you aren't truly living? That you're just having an outer body experience? As if you're just floating about through life. That's how I've been feeling lately, ever since my encounter with the one that once loved me.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. My mind physically wouldn't let me forget about her. I couldn't forget how her once jet black hair was now a faded grey. The once shy, innocent lamb was now a courageous lioness and I couldn't help but feel somewhat proud at her new discovered confidence.

But as soon at the light shines the darkness takes over. I start to remember how Karla was right. My little lamb has moved on with her new love. They're living together in perfect harmony for fuck sakes.

And I hated that with every fiber in my being.

The fact that she chose him, of all people. The one I kept having a nagging feeling about in the back of my mind. The one that they kept warning me about and now I have to hear their bolting 'I told you so's' everyday. I don't know if it's because I really don't like the kid or if it's because he has her.

But I really don't feel right about that little fucker.

This could be just plain jealousy, which by the way it is not. Or I could be completely over thinking this whole situation that doesn't even involve me. Which is also, not the case.

God I need to go see Dr. Peazer again.

"That you do my oversized, idiotic friend." Andy's voice teased as he welcomed himself into my office.

"Excuse me?" I questioned lifting an eyebrow.

"You said you need to go see your shrink more, which to that I agree. I'll schedule you an appointment." He shrugged as he began to type away on his phone.

Did I say that out loud?

"No I'm just a mind reader. I can also predict your death." Andy smirked before plopping himself down in one of two chair in front of my desk. "Of course you said it out loud!"

I roll my eyes not finding his mocking nature the slightest bit amusing. My mind wonders back to Bahira. There were so many unanswered questions that I was just dying to ask. Yet the chance of them actually getting answered, were a solid slim to none. It's clear as day that she hates me.

Which she has every right to.

I put that girl through hell and I didn't even realize it. Now she's in her own heaven, living her life. While I'm stuck down here in the pits of hell, with Andy.

"Why are you even in here?" I questioned the short haired blonde. "I thought you'd be gone by now."

His clear blue eyes snapped up clouded with confusion. He thought about it for a moment before he began typing away on his phone for another second. He then snapped his fingers with a huge smile.

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