Love is a Verb Part 6

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We sit on the bank quietly, neither of us knowing what to say. Finally. John reaches out to hold my hands. We look at each other. "Okay, okay. Let's see where things go. I just want you to know that I trust you Eli, and that's a big thing for me. God knows how many people are in it for selfish reasons when it comes to talking to me. I know that you're different. Here, let me give you my number. Then we can talk, and maybe even plan a real date soon." I smile and hand him my phone. He puts his number in as just John and an emoji guitar. I grin harder when I see this. He hands me his phone and I put my number in as Eli with an emoji trumpet. He chuckles and we embrace. I sigh, "Well, I guess now is a good time to head back to get my car. I should probably be home before dinner, just in case my Dad didn't tell my Mother I left school early." He nods and we walk back to the car. He holds my hand, and we rock our arms back and forth as we go.

The drive to the school seems so much faster than normal, and before I know it it's time to say goodbye. In movies there's alway an obvious way to end a date, since that's what today was, but sometimes it's not that simple. We look into each other's eyes, and it's clear how today should end. I give John a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I wave as he pulls out of the parking space and drives off.

My ride home is filled with questions. They race through my mind like Nascar racers. Does this mean I'm gay? I don't care that he's older, but what will my family think? My friends? Would I be able to tell my friends if we started dating? I think and rethink about these questions the entire way home. As I park my car I take a much needed moment to clear my head and be composed before I enter the house. The one question I have an answer to is whether or not to say anything about John yet. I know that until we see where things will end up, our date needs to stay a secret.

The delicious smell of chicken parmesan fills my nose as I walk into the house. I hear the clattering of the table being set, and bickering that lets me know that the twins are setting the table. I dump my bag on the couch and walk into the kitchen. My mother is at the stove finishing up dinner, and Dad is leaning against the counter scrolling through Facebook. I smile, "Hey guys, wow Mom. Dinner smells really good." The both jump, startled. I laugh. Mom gives me a little death stare, but quickly remembers that John Mayer was at my school today. She launches an arsenal of questions at me all at once. "Eli, how was band today? Was everyone excited when they saw John Mayer walk in? Did he play you any songs? Did he play your favorite song? Oh honey, tell me all about it!" I smile and laugh. "Mom, I can only tell you one thing at a time. Give me a minute."

I tell them all about band class and everything John talked about with us. I told them what songs he played, and the questions the class came up with for him. I left out the rest of the day however, and told them that I spent the afternoon with Jack, Kyle, and the guys playing baseball. They accept that with only a small disapproving glance from my Mother. Dad thanks me for taking the twins to school, and James tells us about the first student council meeting followed by Danny complaining that all the other girls in seventh grade get to wear makeup while she's forced to get by with just her natural looks. Altogether it's a normal family dinner, which is a strange way to end such an incredible and confusing day.

I help clear the table and then start up the stairs to my room. I'm stopped by Mom shouting from the living room. "Eliot Jean Forester, don't you even think about going upstairs without this mess on the couch. I'm not your backpack maid anymore!" I snicker to myself, but bring my things upstairs with me. I make myself focus on finishing the miniscule amount of homework due tomorrow before I spend more time thinking about today. I end up starting another book, and by the time I'm ready to really take a look at the day, it's 10:30. I put my book away and climb into bed. Ready to dream my thoughts away. I'm about to drift off to sleep when my phone buzzes.

I prop myself up on an elbow and read the text. I can't help but smile when I see who it is. I read John's text, Hey Eli, I just wanted to thank you for an incredible day today. I had a really good time and I hope you did too. I meant everything I said, and I hope we can get together soon. I grin and text him back. I had a really great time too, and I meant everything that I said. I haven't really thought about the idea of dating yet, but I know that I like you and want to spend more time with you. Maybe we can plan something later this week. Just let me know when it would work for you! I anxiously await a reply, and luckily am appeased before too long. I read, Absolutely, I'd love to meet up later this week! Hey, no pressure. Like you said, let's see where things go. I'm free on Thursday, maybe we can go on a hike or something. I know some pretty awesome places near Bridgeport. Hiking is always a good time. I type back, Thursday sounds good to me. I have study last period, so if you want we could head out at around 1:15. He answers right away, Thursday at 1:15 works for me. I'll pick you up at school. I know you probably have to get up early tomorrow, so I'll let you get some rest. I'll see you Thursday, it's a date . Goodnight! I smile ear to ear and tell him goodnight. I fall asleep thinking about going on my first official date with John, and my heart's content. 

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